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The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 17:57
von theowaern
Edit: This giveaway has now ended. Thanks everyone for your huge interest in The Journey Down!

Hey guys!

First off, please forgive the English. I studied German in school, but as with the rest of my days in school, I spent them drawing instead of studying. Hence, I suck at German. :)

My name's Theodor Waern and together with two other guys I run the independent, Sweden based game studio SKYGOBLIN. We recently released the second chapter of our point n click series The Journey Down and as some of you probably noticed, I gave a bunch of steam keys away to adventure-treff for the first chapter, to help get some buzz going for the second chapter. Well... I still have tons of keys for TJD1 left, and I'd love to keep on sharing them. (Make no mistake, I do this because I want you to get hooked on the series, not because I'm trying to be nice!)

To avoid the keys being taken by bots (yes, that happens) I won't be posting them here, but will sending out keys via PM to whoever requests one. (within a reasonable period of time, obviously).

So shoot me a PM and I will send you a steam key for TJD1!

Please note that these keys are redeemed on steam and that the game runs on Pc, Mac or Linux.

Thanks Michael Stein for this opportunity and thanks woitek for the suggestion.

Oh and to everyone who have supported us by purchasing TJD1: A HUGE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. You are awesome! :D

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:34
von neon
Und noch auf deutsch:

Theodor gibt hier Keys für The Journey Down Chapter 1 kostenlos an Adventure-Treff-Leser raus. Wenn ihr den aktuellen Key einlöst oder eine Meldung bekommt, dass er schon vergeben ist, meldet ihr das hier, dann gibt es sofort einen neuen.

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:35
von Casaplanca
Also der hier war schon vergeben :(

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:37
von neon
Theo, last one is already taken.

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:43
von theowaern
Thanks for the heads up!

Here's a new one: 6JWXE-AKAJ6-L8PZL

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:46
von Megerlin
This one is also gone away (not me)

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:46
von k0SH
hey theowaern

Just want to say hi and thanks a lot for that nice touch ;-)
I played chapter one when it was released and I´m enjoying chapter two right now.
Love the game 8)

Would be super awesome if you release a (limited special collectors) boxed edition of the complete game (chapter 1-3) at a later date!!

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:49
von theowaern
Dang you guys are fast. Here's another key!


Hey k0SH, I'm glad you're enjoying the second part. We're very proud of it. :D
Yes, we are considering a box-set once all three games are ready. No promises though!

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:54
von k0SH
Yes, we are considering a box-set once all three games are ready. No promises though!
THIS made my day! Awesome! Guess I´ve to stay tuned ;-)

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:56
von topperdeluxe
The last key

was taken by me :)
Thanks alot. I will try out the game tonight!

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 18:59
von Abel
Moar! ;)

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 19:01
von Megerlin
not fast enough :-(

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 19:03
von theowaern
Moar indeed! 4TN64-ZN0QM-6BRF3

topperdeluxe: I hope you'll enjoy it!

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 19:13
von talvin72
Last one's gone. I'd like to try out the game, too.

Re: Free steam keys for Chapter One of The Journey Down

Verfasst: 07.09.2014, 19:14
von Abel
I'm way too slow, your key has been token again. ;)