Derpy and The Hunting of the super tasty Muffin (oA)

Der Anlaufpunkt für alle, die selbst ein Adventure programmieren wollen.
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 12.07.2008, 19:25

Derpy and The Hunting of the super tasty Muffin (oA)

Beitrag von Ratchet »


Derpy and The Hunting of the super tasty Muffin (of awesomeness) ist ein durchgeknalltes Textadventure mit Retro-Grafik, Sound und Musik und einer extra Protion Derpiness. Ihr schlüpft in die Rolle von Derpy und findet ein mysteriöses Rezept für den THE SUPER TASTY MUFFIN (OF AWESOMENESS). Nun liegt es an dir Derpy dabei zu helfen alle Zutaten zu finden.
Neben der Hauptstory kann man noch haufenweise anderes verrücktes Zeug machen, wie Easter eggs zu entdecken und natürlich die "Scepters of Derpiness" (Trophäen).

Bitte lest die README oder schaut euch zumindest den Hilfebildschirm an. Dieser ist im Spiel jeder Zeit über den Befehl help verfügbar. Dort werden die meisten Dinge erklärt.
Es ist noch Beta, bitte berücksichtig das.

Website ... -muffin-oa

Download (Beta 1)
Windows 32bit
Mac OS X 10.6+









Gags, Easter Eggs und Jokes (ACHTUNG SPOILER)
Es gibt überall versteckte Anspielungen und Blödeleien, hier ein kleine Auswahl. Den Rest müsst ihr selber finden.

* In den Bücherregalen der Bibliothek findet man unter Anderem eine Ausgabe von Playpony und Celestias Tagebuch
* Bei Rarity im ersten Stock könnt ihr mit sew plushie euer eigenes Plüschi nähen
* Geht man bei Rarity in den ersten Stock, besteht eine Chance Spike zu erwischen, wie er versucht Unterwäsche aus der Schublade zu klauen

Probiert mal folgende Befehle aus und schaut was passiert (Statt Lyra könnt ihr auch ein anderes Pony nehmen, je nach dem, wer gerade vor euch steht).

kiss lyra
tie lyra
brohoof lyra
slap lyra
tickle lyra
milk lyra
hug lyra
love lyra
tell a joke
get beer
close eyes
open eyes
write me a letter
be sexy
be cool
be derpy
travel through time
wait for cristmas
wait for easter bunny
wait for apocalypse
wait for derpy day
wait for birthday
rule equestria
rule ponyville
rule world
wash butt
sew lyra with hole
rub lyra
bite yourself
hit yourself
smell lyra
kick ass
find yourself
find higgs boson
sing 99 buckets of oats
sing cupcakes
fly to sun
fly to moon
touch butt
touch yourself
suck hoof
who is best pony?
what is the meaning of life the universe and everything?
what time is it?
Alle benutzbaren Verben (AUCH SPOILER)
bag (.*), b (.*), saddlebag (.*), inventory (.*), i (.*)
bake (.*)
be (.*)
beam (.*), beam to (.*), teleport (.*), teleport to (.*)
bite (.*)
break (.*)
brohoof (.*)
burn (*.), fire (.*), inflame (.*), kindle (.*), torch (.*)
burst (.*), rupture (.*), explode (.*), pop (.*), burst (.*) with (.*), rupture (.*) with (.*), explode (.*) with (.*), pop (.*) with (.*)
buy (.*)
climb (.*), scramble (.*), clamber (.*), climb on (.*), scramble on (.*), clamber on (.*), climb up (.*), scramble up (.*), clamber up (.*), climb down (.*), scramble down (.*), clamber down (.*)
clop (.*)
close (.*)
color (.*)
combine (.*), combine (.*) with (.*), combine (.*) and (.*)
cook (.*), grill (.*)
cry (.*)
fuck (.*), shit (.*), ass (.*), asshole (.*), bitch (.*), penis (.*), cunt (.*), pussy (.*), piss (.*), dick (.*), pee (.*), poo (.*), poop (.*), fart (.*), puke (.*), rape (.*)
dabble (.*), swash (.*), splash (.*), dabble in (.*), swash in (.*), splash in (.*)
dance (.*)
derp (.*)
destroy (.*)
draw (.*), draw with (.*), draw (.*) on (.*)
drink (.*), slurp (.*), sip (.*)
eat (.*), taste (.*)
feed (.*), feed (.*) to (.*), feed (.*) with (.*)
find (.*)
fly (.*), fly to (.*)
follow (.*)
give (.*), give (.*) to (.*)
go (.*), go to (.*), g (.*), walk (.*), walk to (.*), gallop (.*), gallop to (.*), trot (.*), trot to (.*)
harvest (.*), pluck (.*), cull (.*), gather (.*)
hate (.*)
help (.*), h (.*)
hide (.*), hide behind (.*)
hint (.*)
hit (.*), punch (.*)
howl (.*), howl at (.*)
hug (.*)
joke (.*), tell a joke (.*), share a joke (.*)
jump (.*), jump to (.*), jump on (.*), jump into (.*), jump off (.*), jump over (.*)
keysounds (.*)
kick (.*)
kill (.*), slay (.*)
kiss (.*)
knock (.*), bang (.*), rap (.*), knock on (.*), bang on (.*), rap on (.*)
land (.*), land on (.*)
laugh (.*)
lay (.*), lay (.*) into (.*), lay (.*) in (.*), lay (.*) to (.*), lay (.*) on (.*), lay (.*) at (.*), lay (.*) under (.*)
lick (.*)
list (.*)
listen (.*), listen to (.*), hear (.*)
load (.*)
look (.*), l (.*), look at (.*), look in (.*), look into (.*), look on (.*), examine (.*)
lose (.*), game over (.*), gameover (.*)
love (.*)
make (.*)
map (.*), m (.*)
milk (.*)
mix (.*), mix (.*) with (.*), mix (.*) and (.*)
music (.*)
neigh (.*), whinny (.*), whicker (.*)
open (.*)
pet (.*), stroke (.*), caress (.*), fondle (.*)
play (.*)
poke (.*), tap (.*), prod (.*), shove (.*)
pull (.*)
push (.*), press (.*)
put (.*), put (.*) into (.*), put (.*) in (.*), put (.*) to (.*), put (.*) on (.*), put (.*) at (.*), put (.*) under (.*), place (.*), place (.*) into (.*), place (.*) in (.*), place (.*) to (.*), place (.*) on (.*), place (.*) at (.*), place (.*) under (.*)
quit (.*), exit (.*), end (.*), leave (.*), q (.*)
read (.*)
rub (.*)
rule (.*)
save (.*)
say (.*)
search (.*)
shader (.*), retro (.*), oldschool (.*), old school (.*)
shake (.*), joggle (.*)
shoo (.*), shoo away (.*), banish (.*), frighten (.*), frighten away (.*), scare (.*), scare away (.*)
show (.*), show (.*) to (.*)
sing (.*)
slap (.*)
sleep (.*)
smash (.*), bash (.*)
sneak (.*), sneak to (.*), sneak into (.*), creep (.*), creep to (.*), creep into (.*)
sneeze (.*)
sniff (.*), snuff (.*), pry (.*), nuzzle (.*), smell (.*)
snort (.*)
sound (.*)
speech (.*)
spit (.*), spit on (.*), spit in (.*), spit into (.*), spit at (.*)
squint (.*)
stab (.*), jab (.*), prick (.*), stab (.*) with (.*), jab (.*) with (.*), prick (.*) with (.*)
steal (.*), whip (.*)
stick (.*), stick (.*) into (.*), stick (.*) in (.*), stick (.*) to (.*), stick (.*) on (.*), stick (.*) at (.*)
stitch (.*), sew (.*), machine-sew (.*), machinesew (.*), machine sew (.*)
stomp (.*)
suck (.*)
swim (.*), swim in (.*)
take (.*), get (.*), grab (.*), pick (.*), pick up (.*)
talk (.*), talk to (.*), talk with (.*), t (.*), ask (.*)
throw (.*), throw (.*) on (.*), throw (.*) at (.*), throw (.*) in (.*), throw (.*) into (.*), throw (.*) to (.*), toss (.*), toss (.*) on (.*), toss (.*) at (.*), toss (.*) in (.*), toss (.*) into (.*), toss (.*) to (.*)
tickle (.*)
tie (.*)
touch (.*), grope (.*), feel (.*)
trash (.*)
travel (.*)
trophies (.*), achievements (.*), scepters (.*)
turn off (.*), switch off (.*), power off (.*)
turn on (.*), switch on (.*), power on (.*)
undress (.*), doff (.*), disrobe (.*), take off (.*)
untie (.*)
use (.*), u (.*), use (.*) with (.*), use (.*) on (.*), use (.*) at (.*)
view (.*)
wait (.*), wait for (.*), wait until (.*), wait til (.*)
wash (.*)
wear (.*), dress (.*), don (.*), put on (.*)
whisper (.*), breathe (.*), susurrate (.*)
write (.*), write (.*) on (.*)
yell (.*), shout (.*), scream (.*), squeak (.*), squall (.*), shriek (.*)