Writing English

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Writing English

Beitrag von max_power »

My English isn't the best. Often I ain't sure if I am using correct grammar and words in their correct meaning. So I had the great idea to start a topic, where we're just talking and writing respectively in English. It would be great if someone joins. I'll also welcome corrections and discussions about my mistakes. :)

What do you think?
„Es müsste immer Musik da sein, bei allem was du machst. Und wenn's so richtig Scheiße ist, dann ist wenigstens noch die Musik da. Und an der Stelle, wo's am allerschönsten ist, da müsste die Platte springen und du hörst immer nur diesen einen Moment.“ (Floyd, Absolute Giganten)
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Registriert: 21.05.2006, 19:13
Wohnort: Berlin

Beitrag von TheRock »

Also ich finds klasse :wink:
"Er schaute mich an, als hätte ich auf einer Beerdigung gepupst"-George Stobbart, Philosoph

"Kreativität ist so lange in der Scheiße wühlen, bis man den Nugget findet!"-Peter Schindhelm, Kunstlehrer
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Registriert: 25.10.2003, 00:17
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Beitrag von Hexenjohanna »

This is very funny and gives me the option to out me as a peasant from the valley, but I'm shure you only started this to impress Padmé.

Laß mich den Aberglauben eines Volkes schaffen, und mir ist es gleich, wer ihm seine Gesetze oder seine Lieder gibt.

Mark Twain

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Beitrag von neon »

At work, I have to talk english on the phone for about 7 years now and I found out, that my english grammar seems to be really okay, but I have a problem with the vocabulary. Many words are missing and I have to talk around them to explain what I mean.
Hexenjohanna hat geschrieben:but I'm shure you

"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
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Registriert: 25.10.2003, 00:17
Wohnort: Metropole in Ostwestfalen

Beitrag von Hexenjohanna »

neon hat geschrieben:
Hexenjohanna hat geschrieben:but I'm shure you

This word ever leads into a trap for me and I alway use it wrong, because I always have imaginations about microphones, when I use it... :D
Laß mich den Aberglauben eines Volkes schaffen, und mir ist es gleich, wer ihm seine Gesetze oder seine Lieder gibt.

Mark Twain

Nostalgische Serien Quiz-Liste:
https://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/to ... 69#p772069
Riesiger Roboteraffe
Riesiger Roboteraffe
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Beitrag von BENDET »

Oh my god. Well, first of all, great idea. But on second thought I am not sure (shure @Witchy ;-) ) whether it would be such a good thing. Think about all the pain we would cause in each other! Especially previous posting gave me the creeps.
Damn, I really need to train my English abilities again.
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Registriert: 28.10.2004, 11:37
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Beitrag von Padmé »

Teeeheeehhee !
Great idea, Max ! ^-^
I have to say that from what I read until now, all of you seem to be fairly comfortable with english ( does this go for speaking it as well ?).

Alas ! Even though I can't put my finger on something and say "wrong!", it does sound a bit german-ised with all of you, if you know what I mean. ^-^

Anyway, good idea - practice makes perfect, right ? :D
"Often we pretend not to care when we care the most.
People can behave in very strange ways, despite their own feelings."
Oldschool RPG King
Oldschool RPG King
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Beitrag von LAF »

I did an english course 2 weeks ago, but my English isn't really better than now. I can the grammar with the tense, and all besides the needful things about tenses,.. but with writting and partly speaking i have my problems. But reading and appreciate is easier :?
Just the old one's
Oldschool RPG's: auf http://www.rpg-atelier.net/ :)
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Beitrag von hangmansjoke82 »

I also have to talk and write much english at work, but I don't know if my grammar is perfect. I think it's good enough for me and my customers to understand everything :wink:

Well, if my old english teacher could see me. In school I wasn't quite good in english lessons, but I try my hardest to learn... :mrgreen:
Wissen ist Nacht!
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Beitrag von KhrisMUC »

Almost all of you are using way too many commas ;)

Padmé, I'm not sure if you're doing this when writing in German, too, but there's no blank before punctuation marks in English either.

I think it's a bit sad that English lessons in school do a very poor job of preparing the students for actual conversations. One gets taught a lot of stuff that's hardly ever used in everyday life.
But at the same time, talking to a native for the first time will probably leave you pretty much stumped about what to say.

I think I didn't learn about "you're welcome" being the proper response to "thank you" until a few years after school.
Zuletzt geändert von KhrisMUC am 05.06.2007, 13:07, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beitrag von Potato »

Oh this thread is great.
The week before the holiday I have written a English test. I hope i will get a good mark otherwise I'm not sure if I'll pass this year :cry:
Es Lebe Monkey Island
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Registriert: 28.10.2004, 11:37
Wohnort: Naboo

Beitrag von Padmé »

KhrisMUC hat geschrieben:I think it's a bit sad that English lessons in school do a very poor job of preparing the students for actual conversations. One gets taught a lot of stuff that's hardly ever used in everyday life.
But at the same time, talking to a native for the first time will probably leave you pretty much stumped about what to say.
Yup, I definitely agree. :wink:
When my parents took me to california for the first time, I didn't say a word in english for two weeks .... and I probably didn't understand much either.

And yeah I know - bad habit.
I know it's gramatically incorrect, but I feel that it looks decidedly squashed without a blank. *g*
"Often we pretend not to care when we care the most.
People can behave in very strange ways, despite their own feelings."
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Registriert: 17.02.2006, 01:45
Wohnort: Wüstä

Beitrag von Kaktus »

Lucas_ArtsFan hat geschrieben:I can the grammar with the tense.
Oh, you can it well :wink: :wink:
I think I didn't learn about "you're welcome" being the proper response to "thank you" until a few years after school.
Well, I didn't know until now. I've used to response "No problem" but now I know better! Thanks!
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Registriert: 28.10.2004, 11:37
Wohnort: Naboo

Beitrag von Padmé »

Kaktus hat geschrieben: Well, I didn't know until now. I've used to response "No problem" but now I know better! Thanks!
(I used to reply "np". "response" is the noun, "to reply" is the verb) :wink:
"Often we pretend not to care when we care the most.
People can behave in very strange ways, despite their own feelings."
Beiträge: 4674
Registriert: 14.03.2005, 00:55
Wohnort: München

Beitrag von KhrisMUC »

I can vividly remember when I talked to my boss's broker for the first time. Luckily it wasn't face to face but on the phone, yet still I was totally nervous. He asked me about my study and I stammered something like "I'm in the third half-year" because I couldn't for the life of me remember what the English word for "Semester" was ;)
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