How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Ab dem 11.4.2013 um 16:30 Uhr steht Jan Kavan für Fragen über die Enhanced Edition von J.U.L.I.A. hier zur Verfügung.
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Registriert: 17.07.2002, 16:36
Wohnort: Freistaat

How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von basti007 »

I guess this topic is to delicate to discuss in public, but I prefer to ask anyway and you can choose not to reply or reply in rough estimations only:

Have you any estimation of the economical damage the LMG deal put onto J.U.L.I.A. in numbers?
Web: Weblog
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Hi basti!

It's hard to estimate. We have no solid report and they had sales exclusivity. On the other hand they have never really promoted the game so basically I believe that when we come out with the Enhanced Edition, we will be able to mend this damage by doing much better marketing. The only thing I know is that for a few months J.U.L.I.A. was no.1 seller over at Adventure games shop and so I presume it sold some copies. :) Fortunately we have also options to localize the game (German version is sure already) and we will recover.

However if it wasn't for this IGG campaign we would just have closed CBE which is a pretty serious damage. Community saved us and thus the damage is really reduced.
Beiträge: 11578
Registriert: 17.07.2002, 16:36
Wohnort: Freistaat

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von basti007 »

That's good to hear and I think, the IGG step was the best you can to. After yesterday's concert, I'm sure you will build up a great fan-followship step by step.

Isn't there a way to get the figures from adventure games shop?
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Registriert: 11.04.2013, 08:31

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von Say »

It is very unfortunate that indie studios would be in such rough spot, that is the main idea of having someone to take care of it to begin with - you're a developer, that itself takes quite a large amount of time leaving indies usually trying to do self Marketing and PR which is very overwhelming. As a business person myself, I feel ashamed to constantly read about these things because LMG is only one of many, that's probably why in a way, I felt and I knew that there was so much more yet to be done for them.

Luckily, there is hope for CBE after this and of course the indie community will always support talent. Both Jan and Lukas are incredibly talented individuals and deserved so much more than what they experienced last year so the bright side is that J.U.L.I.A. Enhanced Edition is a very good first step for CBE to move forward from this :)
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Thank you. We are working on getting some data. But it's getting extremely exhausting. This campaign will allow us to work on a game for a change which would be much more pleasant than to read through all the legal mumbo jumbo again and again.
Kater Karlo
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Registriert: 05.10.2009, 11:32

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von Kater Karlo »

Well, it's not really a question, I just want to wish you good luck with the enhanced version, Jan!

J.U.L.I.A. is a nice game and very respectable work for such a small 2 man team. Must be terrible to put so much work and energy into a project, and then get cheated by the publisher off the well-deserved merits... :(
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Re: How large was the damage of LMG in numbers approx?

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Kater Karlo hat geschrieben:Well, it's not really a question, I just want to wish you good luck with the enhanced version, Jan!

J.U.L.I.A. is a nice game and very respectable work for such a small 2 man team. Must be terrible to put so much work and energy into a project, and then get cheated by the publisher off the well-deserved merits... :(
Thank you so much. I am glad that with the huge help we got now the Enhanced Edition will be really improved version in all aspects.