Hi Mike! Thank you!
J.U.L.I.A.'s soundtrack has quite a lot of tracks. The funny part is that some of the tracks are live-generated from different layers to create less static experience. For that reason the soundtrack will be mixed down to create one of possible layer combination - the one I'd like the best. There are also static tracks and I estimate it will be around 40 minutes of music.
I was inspired a lot by ethnic music I was listening a lot to when I was working on J.U.L.I.A. I also used quite some synths, some of them as a nod to my C64 era. I also tried a new ways of music production so I hope the result shows that I made some progress in that field too.
For me the composition for video game (especially background music) is some sort of an ego challenge. It's always hard to keep ideas under the hood so they don't interfere with the game itself. The music apart from set points whould never get in the way of narration. I will have to fix a few things in that respect in Enhanced Edition.
So I am not surprised by composition but more by the application of the tracks. One has to be humble and do revisions to better fit the game. Not the other way around.