Started allready?

Interview mit den Machern von Cognition am Sonntag, 19.5. um 19 Uhr
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Registriert: 04.03.2006, 13:26
Wohnort: Cave M

Started allready?

Beitrag von Rockford »


I hope it is okay to start asking questions.

Is english ok or should I ask in german ( optional booth ).

Cognition was the first kickstarter I supported. Because now we are at episode three of four: Will there be another season? If yes, will this too be funded via kickstarter?

Second question: Will there be a linux port? Any news about that since I asked in the cognition forum? While it works with wine, saving is not possible there.

Third: Keep up the good work! :-)

Ray: Yeah, I got a Plan B: making Plan A work! (Stingray - 1985 TV Series)
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Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von neon »

Hi Rockford, Katie was here a moment ago, I think we have miscalculated the time difference by one our (CET instead CEST).

So sure, it's absolutely okay to start asking questions.
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
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Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von KatieHal »

Yep, I'm here! English would be easier for me, if possible, but I'm using Google Chrome and have the auto-translate on just in case. :) So, let's get rolling!

Hello Rockford! First off, thank you so much for backing us on Kickstarter! :D We would love to do another season--we've talked about possible ideas for it, but there isn't a definite plan for one right now. It will depend on how Cognition does when all episodes are out and what else is going on for the studio. We have both Episode 4 and Moebius going on right now, and some tentative for our next game (which won't be Cognition-related). So for now, it's a solid maybe that we hope will become a yes. :)

Two - Yes! Once we upgrade to Unity 4, which has Linux support, we will do a port to Linux. That will probably be before the end of the year, but after all 4 episodes are out for PC & Mac.

Third, thank you and will do!
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 1063
Registriert: 04.03.2006, 13:26
Wohnort: Cave M

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von Rockford »

Hello Katie,

thank you for answering my questions.
It is no problem for me to ask in English. Only my tablet behaves strange when I type no german words. It sometimes does strange corrections for example it wrote booth
while it should be both :-) Perhaps it thought of booze ;-)

Ok since not much traffic here in the forum I ask more questions if it is ok.
My apologies if they are already answered elsewhere: Unfortunately I missed the party on 16 may.

I like cognition very much and I really hope for another season. Perhaps Erica Reeds partner will then be more useful ;-) At the moment he is just lazy and Erica does most of the work herself .

You mentioned another game beside cognition and moebius. Will this be an adventure game as well? I really hope so [-o<

Will you work together with Jane Jensen again after finishing moebius? Any plans for that allready?

How many people are you at postudios?

Thanx again :-)
Ray: Yeah, I got a Plan B: making Plan A work! (Stingray - 1985 TV Series)
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von KatieHal »

No problem, ask away as much as you like. :)

We are sticking with adventure games, yes, so whatever we do next will involve adventures, puzzles, and the usual adventure trappings. Cesar talked a little about this in the stream actually, we're thinking about a game Endless Forest that would use some characters who were created for the bigger TSL story that was cut.

We would love to work with Jane Jensen again! It's been great working with her on Cognition and Moebius, and we hope to do so again in the future, too.

We've got about 20-25 fulltime people at Phoenix Online.
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 1063
Registriert: 04.03.2006, 13:26
Wohnort: Cave M

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von Rockford »

Ok , more questions :-) Sadly it seams nobody else asked somthing until now. I think this may be because today it's 'Pentecost', today and tomorrow are holiday here.

Nice to hear you are sticking with adventure games! =D>

20-25 fulltime people? Wow, I did not know that. Cognition was only around 34.000 $ on kickstarter. I wonder how this works if you are working fulltime for postudios with such amount of people. I hope cognitions sells well. Endless Forest? To be honest, I newer tried TSL. I think I should give it a try, too.

Any news about on which date the hard copy of the game and of the soundtrack of cognition will be shipped?

Do you play other adventure games yourself? If yes, which are your favorites? I for example like book of unwritten tales, wisphered world and the blackwell games a lot. Do you know any of these?
Ray: Yeah, I got a Plan B: making Plan A work! (Stingray - 1985 TV Series)
Beiträge: 1156
Registriert: 16.08.2002, 20:08

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von K-Oz »

Hi everyone,

are you planning to work on one of the "classic" franchises like you did with Kings Quest after Cognition is done?
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von KatieHal »

Rockford: I encourage trying TSL, though I am biased of course ;) Can't beat the price though!

The hard copies of everything will be shipped after all 4 eps have been released. And yeah, I definitely play other adventure games! For recently released games, I loved The Walking Dead and Resonance. The Blackwell Games by Wadjet Eye are also really fun.

K-Oz: Thanks for joining us! Well, it would be awesome to get to officially work on one of those, we'd love to. Right now, there's nothing to say on it, but it's certainly something we've thought about. There are many steps between that and getting to work with those IPs, though.
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:05

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von cesarbittar »

Hello there, Cesar here, thanks for having us.

We already have our "King's Quest" game "The Silver Lining." We'd love to work on it on a more official way, but that's always up to being able to get the license from the people that own it. So, yes, we would love to, and yes, we are working towards that goal, but it's not fully in our hands.

Beiträge: 1156
Registriert: 16.08.2002, 20:08

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von K-Oz »

So if you could choose freely (without all the legal stuff) on which IPs would you like to work on?
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:05

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von cesarbittar »

I've played both Book of Unwritten Tales and Whispered World. I particularly loved Whispered World, the art is so incredibly beautiful that I would often just spend hours just exploring the world and staring at those scenes and listening to the music.

Some of my fav adventure games are the Gabriel Knight Series, the Longest Journey series. I love Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle as well. The Dig, Indiana Jones, and the old Sierra Quest. Kyrandia is a big favorite, too.

Recently, The Walking Dead was awesome. And I love what Wadjet Eye Games did with both Resonance and Gemini Rue.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:05

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von cesarbittar »

I'd work on Gabriel Knight most likely. I'd also love to do a Space Quest.
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von KatieHal »

Personally, I'd love to be able to work with KQ. We wouldn't make TSL a canon game, we've learned a lot about making games and making a KQ game from that. We love KQ (and are working on Ep 5!), but we'd do something totally different.

Laura Bow would also be fun to work with. I really enjoyed her adventures and her spunk. :)
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 1156
Registriert: 16.08.2002, 20:08

Re: Started allready?

Beitrag von K-Oz »

I'd love to see another Gabriel Knight game. Btw, the graphics on Cognition are pretty nice. I really like this graphic novel style.
Beiträge: 1063
Registriert: 04.03.2006, 13:26
Wohnort: Cave M

Plans for android?

Beitrag von Rockford »

Hello again :-)

And thank you again for answering the questions.

Ok, I'll try TSL asap :-)

Another question regarding cognition: I saw on your website that there is a iOS port avaible now. Will there be a port for android, too? While I prefere to play on a big screen others maby don't and mobile marked is still growing. A problem may be the price people are willing to pay for 'apps'. The only 'real' adventures I tried so far on mobile devices where baphomets curse and reperfection. It seems there are not much out there for mobile at the moment so this might be a chance?

Nice to hear you both of you are not only making adventures but playing adventures from other creators, too.

@cesar: Gabriel Knight?! :-) Nice to hear, because you allready worked with jane jensen/pinkerton road :-) So I hope this will be come true some day. Space Quest would be cool, too. But let's the what the two guys of andromeda are doing with their spaceventure first :-)
Ray: Yeah, I got a Plan B: making Plan A work! (Stingray - 1985 TV Series)