
Interview mit den Machern von Cognition am Sonntag, 19.5. um 19 Uhr
Beiträge: 8951
Registriert: 04.06.2004, 15:22


Beitrag von axelkothe »

Hi guys, sorry I'm late to the party ;)

I have some questions for you:

How was it like to work with a legendary adventure game designer like Jane Jensen? Did she give you some insights in how to construct a compelling narrative. Did she have any input apart from the story line?

What did you learn from the first two episodes and did you change anything in episodes 3+4 because of it? (I have yet to play episode 3, so please no spoilers ;))

When can we expect Episode 4?

Have you thought about a second season? Or so you plan to work on something completely different (apart from your work on Moebius)?
NEU:Mein YouTube-Kanal über Klemmbausteine: SteinreichTV
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von KatieHal »

Fashionably late ;)

It's great working with Jane. She's both been a very helpful guiding hand but also let us craft our own story on our own. She's given great feedback on how to rework some key moments or plot twists, pointing out things that will slip by us because we're so close to the story. It's always good to have fresh eyes on a story, and she's got great eyes for story!

For me, I think we learned what kind puzzles worked better and what people felt was missing or found frustrating. So while overall things have stayed about the same in the story and game, the feedback has let us tighten things up a lot as we go and make adjustments that have only helped. Which I would say is definitely a part of why so far a lot of people are saying Episode 3 is the strongest one.

We have thought about a Season 2 - we'd love to do one, and we've talked about what we might do in a second season. No definite plans just yet, we want to see how things go once all of Season 1 is out.

And I'll go jump over to your other thread for Moebius Qs. :)
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

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Beiträge: 8951
Registriert: 04.06.2004, 15:22

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von axelkothe »

Thanks for the answers!

Whats the status on Cognition on Steam Greenlight? Any chance it will be one there soon?

Cognition was financed by (one of the first adventure) kickstarters. Did the kickstarter money cover all your expenses? How are the sales apart from the kickstarter backers?
NEU:Mein YouTube-Kanal über Klemmbausteine: SteinreichTV
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von KatieHal »

I really hope it will be on there soon! We're in the 40s and we've been hovering between there and the 50s for a while now. We've had over 25K upvotes, though, and are getting more everyday. We keep hoping we'll be in a batch of greenlit games soon, and we're sure that we will be eventually.

The KS money didn't cover the whole budget, but it did give us the boost we needed to get started. Apart from that, we're self-funded and we also have sales coming in now, of course. Sales are going well--actually, the Episode 3 release day was our best sales day yet! They could always be better and selling more, of course, but it's going pretty well. We've also had Episode 1 and Ep 2 in a number of bundles, which has helped widen our audience. Many of those people end up buying the other episodes later on.
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 8951
Registriert: 04.06.2004, 15:22

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von axelkothe »

Ahh, one more question:

Did any international (or more specifically: german) publishers contact you about releasing a retail version of Cognition once it is finished?
NEU:Mein YouTube-Kanal über Klemmbausteine: SteinreichTV
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von KatieHal »

We've been talking to people about both localization and physical retail copies for different regions--nothing to announce just yet, but we definitely have an interest in making it happen. :)
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

Vote for Cognition on Steam Greenlight!
Beiträge: 8951
Registriert: 04.06.2004, 15:22

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von axelkothe »

NEU:Mein YouTube-Kanal über Klemmbausteine: SteinreichTV
Beiträge: 6473
Registriert: 24.12.2007, 13:34

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von Cohen »

Hello everyone. Some questions about the iOS versions of Cognition:

When can we buy the second (and third) episode in the AppStore?

Can we expect a price reduction of episode 1 when episode 2 launches?

Will the following episodes be seperate apps or in-app-purchases?
Multi-Gamer: PC + PCVR, PS5 + PSVR2, Xbox Series X, Steam Deck OLED, Switch OLED, iPad Pro M2, WiiU, 3DS, PSVita, ..., N64, PS1, SNES, Amiga, C128, Atari
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 15.05.2013, 21:02
Wohnort: Boston, MA, USA

Re: Cognition

Beitrag von KatieHal »

We're working on the iOS version of Episode 2 right now, that will be out hopefully in June--as always, exact date is TBD. But expect that to come out before Episode 4 on PC & Mac. Likewise, I'd say expect Ep 3 on iOS after Ep 4 on PC & Mac. And they'll be separate apps; we weren't able to set them up as in-app purchases, but we hope to do that in the future with any episodic content we put out on iOS. :)
Katie Hallahan
PR Director and Designer
Phoenix Online Studios

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