New Duke background sketch.

Hier werden am 15. September 2014 Gene Mocsy und Bill Tiller Eure Fragen beantworten
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New Duke background sketch.

Beitrag von bill.tiller »

This is a rough sketch of one of the locations in the game. It is where Duke will have to wrestle a very intimating gorilla in order to solve a puzzle. A lot of the puzzles in the game will deal with Duke's prodigious strength and somewhat dim wits.
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Re: New Duke background sketch.

Beitrag von Kikimora »

Hey, thanks for showing! Looks like you have fun working on these backgrounds. :D

I'm already curious how this wrestling will work (concerning gameplay) - more like a "minigame", a dialogue combat or more like that funny spitting contest in MI2? But I guess we should find that out ingame. :)
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Re: New Duke background sketch.

Beitrag von bill.tiller »

I don't want to spoil it, but let us just say the gorilla and Duke are evenly matched, but Duke needs to win somehow.