Platforms and Interface

Hier werden am 15. September 2014 Gene Mocsy und Bill Tiller Eure Fragen beantworten
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Platforms and Interface

Beitrag von Bakhtosh »

Since you're making an OUYA version and since the OUYA is using Android as OS I wonder if you're planning to do mobile versions of the game later on. At least an Android version seems to be relatively easy to do if you already have the game running on a special Android device (OUYA). Even if the Android device diversity doesn't make it an easy task to develop an Android version that it compatible with most devices.

If you're planning a mobile version I wonder if you already develop the interface with the mobile devices in mind? So that e.g. only one mouse button is used (tap on mobile, leftclick on PC), the inventory is accessible only by clicking/tapping on an icon, the click/tap areas are quite big (effectively limiting the number of possible hotspots) and so on? Or do adjust the PC/OUYA version to the additional options you have with the PC mouse / OUYA controller? E.g. using a mouse button to open the inventory or to use the mouse-wheel to scroll through the possible actions?

Apart from platform specific interface behaviour. Are you planning to hide actions that doesn't seem to fit to a hotspot if you click at the hotspot? Or will it be possible to try every action with every hotspot (which may trigger funny comments)? Will it be possible to try every item with every hotspot? Or will items that doesn't seem to make sense be grayed out? I think everybody loves funny comments, but they also increase the needed budget for the voice over...

Just noticed that the last question was already partially answered (and the answer is what I hoped it would be):
Gene hat geschrieben:I love writing dialog, so I'm very happy we're doing three interactions per hotspot. It gives me lots of chances to give hints to the players, explain the island, and help you get to know Duke.
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Re: Platforms and Interface

Beitrag von gmocsy »

Publishing Duke Grabowski on mobile devices would be great, but as you point out, it requires a lot of interface design and engineering. If we pursue it, we might take inspiration from Perils of Man on iOS, which Bill and I helped design for IF Games.

Also note that the generous people at OUYA are matching your pledges on Kickstarter, so they get exclusive rights to Duke Grabowski in the mobile/console space for a certain number of months after release.

Regarding hotspot interaction -- the more, the better! I would love to write custom comments for every use of inventory. I remember how Edna & Harvey: The Breakout blew my mind with Poki's endless jokes.

It all depends on our funds. Pledge to our Kickstarter now and make it happen!