Boxed Version

Ron Gilbert und Gary Winnick beantworten am 10. Dezember 2014 um 20 Uhr eure Fragen zum neuen Adventure Thimbleweed Park
Mike H.
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Registriert: 30.04.2012, 14:26

Boxed Version

Beitrag von Mike H. »

First of all, thanks to both of you for making my youth so much brighter with your great games! :)

I have a couple of questions about the boxed version of "Thimbleweed Park":

1. Are you planning to include some goodies in the box (for example a codewheel, or a newspaper like in Zak McKracken)?
2. Will the box include a disc or will the game be downloadable only?
3. Will the boxed version be available for non Kickstarter backers?
4. Don't you think you could give the Kickstarter campaign a huge boost by offering the boxed version for, let's say, 75$ or 100$? 150$ seems awfully steep to me. :wink:

Best for luck for the development of "Thimbleweed Park" and thanks in advance!
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Registriert: 10.12.2014, 00:16

Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von grumpygamer »

1 - Yes, there will be some goodies in the box.
2 - The box will not include a disk. We looked into it and it started to become a real pain with mastering and lead times, etc. It's something we're still looking at. I won't rule it out.
3 - Don't know the answer to that yet. We want to KS version to be special since those are the people that helped get the game off the ground.
4 - It is a little pricey, but all that money is going to make the game better. None of the KS money is 'profit', it's all going into making the game.

- Ron
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Registriert: 25.11.2003, 16:20
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Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von Rocco »

grumpygamer hat geschrieben: 2 - The box will not include a disk. We looked into it and it started to become a real pain with mastering and lead times, etc. It's something we're still looking at. I won't rule it out.
pleasssseee, you don't have to send it initally with the download release.
Take your time and give us a nice disk. [-o<
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Registriert: 07.01.2006, 20:08

Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von Rayman »

Rocco hat geschrieben:pleasssseee, you don't have to send it initally with the download release.
Take your time and give us a nice disk. [-o<
I agree with Rocco. A disk could be nice. :D
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Beiträge: 42
Registriert: 10.12.2014, 00:16

Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von grumpygamer »

Rocco hat geschrieben: pleasssseee, you don't have to send it initally with the download release.
Take your time and give us a nice disk. [-o<
That is a good point.

- Ron
Beiträge: 10901
Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von k0SH »

A box without a disc would be a bit ... hmmm ... of no earthly use :roll:
But agree to what is already said: you can deliver it at a later time.
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Re: Boxed Version

Beitrag von Darksun777 »

Pleeeeeeeaaaaasseeeee make a disc. With a nice cover, like the DOTT-CD. This is a must-have for collectors. A box without a physical media is ... not good.

No Problem if it will delivered at a later time. I'm also ready paying an additional fee for a disc.