I REALLY like the idea and will submit something.
Any details on the whole thing?
Do the messages have to be recorded in English only (since we dial a fake-US nr.?)?
And I guess you guys have to listen to all the messages in preparation of including them into the final game, have you?
In case a few individuals try to foist let´s say inappropriate messages..
Phone book and voicemail message
- k0SH
- Zombiepirat
- Beiträge: 10901
- Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03
Phone book and voicemail message
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
- Frischling
- Beiträge: 1
- Registriert: 10.12.2014, 23:16
Re: Phone book and voicemail message
I like the idea a lot, too.
I bought this via humble bundle for a friend as a gift (trier 2).
Now I just read on update #10, that is was a kickstarter exclusive.
How does this work out?
Oh, and I do hope they establish some rules for the voice messages.
I bought this via humble bundle for a friend as a gift (trier 2).
Now I just read on update #10, that is was a kickstarter exclusive.
How does this work out?
Oh, and I do hope they establish some rules for the voice messages.