Questions about Activision/ Sierra

Am 19.5.2015 ab 20 Uhr steht Corey Cole für Fragen zum Adventure-RPG-Hybriden Hero-U - Rogue to Redemption zur Verfügung.
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Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Questions about Activision/ Sierra

Beitrag von k0SH »

1) What do you think about the revival of the Sierra brand by Activision?

2) Have you been in contact with Activision talking about a new QfG game?

3) If not, would you like too? :-)

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Corey Cole
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Re: Questions about Activision/ Sierra

Beitrag von Corey Cole »

1. I am happy that Sierra is bringing back King's Quest. I hope it will be successful so that they will also make new versions of other adventure games.
2. I have not talked to Activision about the Quest for Glory license, but I am in contact with three other companies that have tried to license it. So far Activision has said that they do not want to grant that license. I think they are waiting to see the results of the King's Quest experiment.
3. We will be busy for some time with the Hero-U series. If the timing is right, we will be happy to do game design and writing for a Quest for Glory game if another company develops it. If we look several years in the future, maybe Transolar Games (our company) will be ready to take on such a project.

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