More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Gebrauchte Särge und andere Adventure-Goodies.

More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Beitrag von Gamecare »

This season I am auctioning more than 500 Adventure Games, all beginning at £0.99. Starting off small with BIG Red Adventure and other classics from Sierra, Lucasarts, Cryo, Revolution Software and others. New and old, sealed and used.

Auctions finish every Sunday and Wednesday evening, to find them, please search eBay for username gamecare or click ... are&_sop=1
Beiträge: 680
Registriert: 14.04.2007, 03:13
Wohnort: Franken

Re: More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Beitrag von Stef_Riddle »

For how many month will you be auctioning then? Could we collect over this time and pay after the last auction so that the shipment would be only one big carton? I am asking because the shipping cost is pretty high and might scare potential bidders.
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Re: More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Beitrag von Gamecare »

Yes, in each listing you will see the option of BULK shipping (roughly 20/30 games) up to 15kg to any country.

Hope that helps!

Beiträge: 10888
Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Re: More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Beitrag von k0SH »

Hey Mark ;-)

Pascal here..
Mitglied im "Verein zur kulturellen Förderung von Adventure- und storylastigen Computer- und Videospielen e.V." Und Du?
"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)

Re: More than 500 adventure games on auction from £0.99

Beitrag von Gamecare »

Due the many requests I have put a selection of the games on my website.

Just make me an offer I can't refuse!