About the game

Hier könnt ihr am 29. Februar 2016 ab 20 Uhr mit Jean-Baptiste de Clerfayt über Lancelot's Hangover diskutieren
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Registriert: 04.06.2004, 15:22

About the game

Beitrag von axelkothe »

1) What is Lancelot's Hangover? Can you descrive the game in 3 sentences?

2) What where your inspirations?

3) How long have you been working on the game so far

4) Explain the graphics choices ;)
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Wohnort: Mons, Belgium

Re: About the game

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Hey Axel! Thanks for your questions and sorry for the wait :) Replies are coming! :)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Registriert: 28.05.2014, 21:17
Wohnort: Mons, Belgium

Re: About the game

Beitrag von declerfayt »

axelkothe hat geschrieben:1) What is Lancelot's Hangover? Can you descrive the game in 3 sentences?
* Monkey Island meets Monty Python's Holy Grail

* At last a point-and-click adventure game for all the family where you play a sexy knight in his underwear

* Wow! Only 156 floppy disk! I want it :)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Beiträge: 58
Registriert: 28.05.2014, 21:17
Wohnort: Mons, Belgium

Re: About the game

Beitrag von declerfayt »

axelkothe hat geschrieben:2) What where your inspirations?
Obviously, the Monty Pythons and all the LucasArts classics. A bit of South Park also. And lots, lots, lots of drinking :)
3) How long have you been working on the game so far
I had the plan to make a point-and-click game after Tim Schaffer show the world thanks to his Double Fine Adventure's campaign on Kickstarter - all of a sudden, it was like God gave me a mission: hey Jean-Baptiste! you should do your own point-and-click game as well! :)

Then I spend a year and a half procrastinating - and I finaly started the game on August 2013 (yes, 2,5 years ago!)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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