The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Der Anlaufpunkt für alle, die selbst ein Adventure programmieren wollen.

The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

Celebrating 30 years of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge


Daniele Spadoni invite you play at a timeline never seen before, an adventure that will have no end.

The Fan Game - The Secret of Monkey Island - RECODED -

Young pirate wanna-be Guybrush Threepwood sets out to pass the Three Trials, woo the governess Elaine Marley, reach the fabled Monkey Island and vanquish the nefarious ghost pirate LeChuck.

Site: ... -game.html

First 5 Minutes


A Daniele Spadoni Production

The following game is a NON PROFIT Fan Game producer for entertainment purpose only.
All Characters, all related marks, logos and associated names and reference are copyright and trademark of their respective holders. This Fan Production is not open to commercial ADS. It is not intended for sales of any sort. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. The content of this Fan Game could not be sold, rented or used for any commercial enterprise in any way, shape or form. There is no financial gain made from it.
Beiträge: 5947
Registriert: 30.11.2011, 22:40
Wohnort: Empathistan, Utopia

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von mudge »

Beiträge: 2246
Registriert: 01.09.2020, 14:17

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von ill.skillz »

daniele82 hat geschrieben: 21.08.2021, 20:25 Bild
can u release "German" Subtitles for your Fan Games?

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

ill.skillz hat geschrieben: 21.08.2021, 20:41
daniele82 hat geschrieben: 21.08.2021, 20:25 Bild
can u release "German" Subtitles for your Fan Games?
Unfortunately I don't know German.
I am Italian and the game will be in English!
I don't have time to devote myself to other languages.
Usually forums that deal with translations, they make their version in their own language.
You could ask this forum if they are interested in translating the game. 8)

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

The Fan Game - The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED to 50%

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

Re-encoding Monkey Island is cool! despite the details of the original game I managed to make it very similar on a technical level.

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

Beiträge: 1705
Registriert: 31.10.2003, 11:13

Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von S-Made »

I admire your enthusiasm and all the work you have put into your projects so far. For some games from the past, I might have wished you had taken a little more time for polishing (for maybe more hotspots and more descriptions).

In this particular case, I'm excited to see what you'll do with this. I just think it's a shame that you're not using the SCUMM interface, but Sierra's instead. Regarding the last image you posted, I have to say that you did a really good job with the day view of the original picture. However, I personally find the Guybrush and monkey images in the GUI unnecessary. Especially Guybrush looks very feminine on the last picture - or was that intentional?
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Re: The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED

Beitrag von daniele82 »

S-Made hat geschrieben: 31.08.2021, 08:52 I admire your enthusiasm and all the work you have put into your projects so far. For some games from the past, I might have wished you had taken a little more time for polishing (for maybe more hotspots and more descriptions).

In this particular case, I'm excited to see what you'll do with this. I just think it's a shame that you're not using the SCUMM interface, but Sierra's instead. Regarding the last image you posted, I have to say that you did a really good job with the day view of the original picture. However, I personally find the Guybrush and monkey images in the GUI unnecessary. Especially Guybrush looks very feminine on the last picture - or was that intentional?
I am pleased to read your speech.
Taking too long for a fan game makes no sense, it just remains a piece of art.
Yes we will make some changes on Guybrush's face.
Zuletzt geändert von daniele82 am 01.09.2021, 18:35, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.