Neues Adventure von Revolution Software / Charles Cecil

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Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Neues Adventure von Revolution Software / Charles Cecil

Beitrag von k0SH »

Es wird zwar noch nicht gesagt, um welches es sich handelt.
Wer will (und Geld übrig hat), kann sich aber schon mal als Figur reinkaufen :-)

Therefore we’re extremely excited to announce that Revolution Software is offering a unique prize:
Be immortalised as a character in our next adventure game ... wLot&id=25

A unique chance to have yourself, or whoever you wish, immortalised as a character in a video game from Revolution Software, creators of the multi-million selling Broken Sword series. This prize is kindly donated by Charles Cecil MBE and Noirin Carmody, founders of Revolution Software. Revolution is one of the world's leading adventure game companies. Charles, who was awarded 'industry legend' status after 30 years in the video gaming industry, is a BAFTA Cymru award winner for his work on the BBC's Doctor Who games, and was nominated for a Writers' Guild award. This one off exceptional prize is a chance to work with Charles and his team to create a character in their next adventure video game.
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
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