Adventure Mob Returns to Kickstarter with Nancy Drew, FrehBiz, and More!
Israeli game start-up Adventure Mob Announces Involvement in a Plethora of New Games Projects
HERZILIYA PITUAH, Israel - August 20, 2012 – Adventure Mob, a game studio focused on the development of adventure games for mobile platforms, today announced the company’s involvement in several new projects, including a mobile port of the latest Nancy Drew game, “Tomb of the Lost Queen” together with Her Interactive. The studio is also working on digital and mobile versions of the popular board game FreshBiz, and a new original adventure game that will be announced in the coming weeks.
To help raise the funds required to develop these games, the team decided to turn to Kickstarter for a crowd funding campaign. The company will build upon its experience from Adventure Mob’s previous involvement in the Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter campaign.
"I’m a great believer in crowd funding and Kickstarter is a great alternative to traditional fund raising," said Oded Sharon, CEO of Adventure Mob. "With the many success stories for adventure game developers, we are confident that this is the wave of the future, giving consumers the ability to support games that might not be created otherwise.”
“We previously were attached to the Leisure Suit Larry game, as we were the developer named in the successful Kickstarter campaign,” said Oran Bar-Tal, COO of Adventure Mob. Because of some unfortunate circumstances with the publisher, we’re off that project we are free to work on some exciting adventure games with great partners that we believe in. We hope the community also believes in these projects and shows their support by backing both our partners and our experienced development team.”
To back the Nancy Drew project, please visit:
To back the FreshBiz project, please visit:
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"
- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962