Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Ab dem 11.4.2013 um 16:30 Uhr steht Jan Kavan für Fragen über die Enhanced Edition von J.U.L.I.A. hier zur Verfügung.
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Hi everyone,

if you are interested in J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars ask away. I will answer in English, but you can ask in German as well. :)


Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 11.05.2014, 19:17

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von StromIV »

How has your experience been with crowdfunding J.U.L.I.A, and do you have plans for after the release? Maybe a J.U.L.I.A. 2 to expand the story, or maybe a brand new title? And if so, do you plan on trying to crowdfund that title also?

Not exactly 100% related, but semi-related. :)
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Great question! We have the best backers on this planet so I am so glad I've overcame my fears and went with crowdfunding. We are currently really dependent on the outcome of J.U.L.I.A. It's not only money issue but I really believe now in the game and if it will be generally considered bad, I think I should do something different. :D Still I am convinced that it's approximately 1000 times better than our original game.

However, there is a really unique game on the table and if we go on, there is something which we would really love to do (although it's not set in space this time)
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 11.05.2014, 19:17

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von StromIV »

With everything shown so far, even having not played the original, I believe you have a very good game that is just waiting to fall into our hands when you finish. Some of the things you have shown and done so far have excited me in waiting to actually finally get my hands on it to test it live.

I really can't wait to play, and I look forward to any other ideas you have. Maybe for any future campaign you try to fund you could use Kickstarter as it seems to bring in more. I know there are companies that some campaigns use to be the middle-man in fund transfer. Something to look into or think about for any future crowdfunding campaigns.

So, even if the next title isn't a space game, I will try and support you in any way I can. Like the voice campaign you might try to go with.

Keep up the good work! :)
Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 10.04.2013, 23:06

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von JanKavan »

Thank you so much! This means the world to us. For me crowdfunding is much more than just getting money! It's also getting a great audience. And if we manage to convince our backers that we don't want to disappoint, it's ultimately our biggest achievement. Sadly crowdfunding is falling a bit flat because people are getting tired of paying for dreams which will not come true. :(
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Registriert: 22.02.2015, 18:37

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von RoqueNE »

Ja, wie schauts aus mit einer deutschen Version? :)

Bin eben erst über dieses klasse Spiel gestolpert bzw. konnte es bei einem Freund antesten
und wollte es mir dann auch bei Steam holen. Aber scheinbar gibt es das nur auf Englisch?
Das ist problematisch. Ich muss jetzt schon ständig einen Translator benutzen. Bei so viel
Text im Spiel ist es für mich fast unmöglich zu spielen =/

Also stehen da noch Pläne an zwecks Lokalisierung? Das wäre echt fantastisch!
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Registriert: 08.07.2004, 10:55
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von neon »

Die deutsche Version steht kurz vor Fertigstellung, mit deutscher Sprachausgabe.
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
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Registriert: 27.05.2011, 14:30

Re: Ask me Anything - J.U.L.I.A. is reaching her destination

Beitrag von Taulmarill »

I'd like to know what your plans are for a DRM-free release, as i could find it only on Steam.

If you have none, I'd like to know how you justify forcing DRM on paying customers when there is a cracked version of any major game out on file sharing networks.