The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Hier habt ihr Anfang April 2012 die Möglichkeit, dem Designer von Scratches und Asylum nach Herzenslust auszufragen.
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Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Agustin »

Rockford hat geschrieben:Well, I backed 'The Case of Charles Dexter Ward'. I did not back Asylum back when it was on kickstarter. This leads to another question: Your games before seem to be all "first person view". Dexter Ward is not "first person view". Why ? (Well I prefer 2D or 2,5 D for me it's fine).
Simply put, it's the best format for Dexter Ward which is more character-driven and less reliant on exploration than our previous efforts. First person is great for putting you inside generally solitary environments, but in Dexter Ward you travel across different locations populated with many characters (certainly more than what we have in Asylum). Also, we want to make you feel very attached to Charles himself, and constantly seeing him helps.
Before I forget this: Thank you for all the answers. Hope Dexter Ward will make it ! :D
Thank you!!
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Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von k0SH »

What I wanted to ask you for a long time:
Apparently all your games have a really dark undertone.
Was there something wrong in your childhood? 8)
Can you say when you started to take an interest in that topics/ stories?
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Agustin »

k0SH hat geschrieben:I´m the last person on earth who don´t want this to become a success. But it doesn´t look that good right now...

- What are your feelings so far?
- Do you have some aces up in your sleeve to give this kickstarter a huge push?
- Will you be totally naked (maybe than just dressed with a sock? :-) ) when this will be funded?
- Is this a one-shot try or have you discussed a plan B with your team? Is a re-launch a possibility?
Yeah, it doesn't look good. I know. A year ago this Kickstarter would have been funded in a hearbeat. Seriously, my phone wouldn't stop beeping for a whole day with the constant retweets and comments after the announcement went huge. We made 10k in less than four hours (to compare, Asylum took a whole day to make that much!). So I don't understand very well what happened. There's still too much going on and I'm dealing with a huge backlog of emails and interviews to properly analyze what went wrong -- if it can be analyzed, that is, because we seem to have hit all the right chords.

No plan B has been discussed and finishing Asylum remains the top one priority at Senscape. Yes, if we're fully funded, I will be totally naked. For better or worse.
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Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von k0SH »

Yes, if we're fully funded, I will be totally naked.
Again, mixed feelings ;-)

I got all my answers so from my side: thanks a lot for your time and your candidness! =D>
Hope that all non-backers will know that the rage of Cthullu will hit them hard if they don´t support this very promising game!!
Best of luck for the last 18 days!
I still hope that I´ll get my Blu-ray Edition of The Shadow Over Providence Documentary, a Boxed Edition of Asylum, a Boxed Edition of The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and the Hardcover Necronomicon Art Book!!

See you at the Adventure-Treff party, gamescom 2015, in Cologne! 8)

PS. Of course all the best for your upcoming childbirth!
Zuletzt geändert von k0SH am 13.10.2014, 21:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Mitglied im "Verein zur kulturellen Förderung von Adventure- und storylastigen Computer- und Videospielen e.V." Und Du?
"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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Registriert: 01.04.2012, 21:29
Wohnort: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Agustin »

k0SH hat geschrieben:What I wanted to ask you for a long time:
Apparently all your games have a really dark undertone.
Was there something wrong in your childhood? 8)
Can you say when you started to take an interest in that topics/ stories?
No, nothing wrong. I was a perfectly normal child :D

I love horror, though. I began to read Lovecraft at the tender age of 10 (around the same time I began playing adventures) and by then I was already watching movies by Lucio Fulci and Friday the 13th. You can blame my mom.

It's still a bit of a coincidence that I'm mostly doing horror games. There were no plans to do horror after Asylum, but then this huge opportunity came to work on a Lovecraft game. It looks like destiny keeps bringing me back to the genre!
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Wohnort: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Agustin »

k0SH hat geschrieben:See you at the Adventure-Treff party, gamescom 2015, in Cologne! 8)

PS. Of course all the best for your upcoming childbirth!
Thank you! I'm already looking forward to another crazy time in Adventure-Treff 2015! And thank you, that childbirth sounds equally exciting and scary :D
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Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Lussa »

Hi Agustin,

I'm a little troubled about the success of the Dexter-Warden-kickstarter project.

Can you tell how large the part was the PayPal-supporters raised for Asylum?
I hope you will make it, but I would have liked to see the documentary as a stretch goal so that the inital hurdle to reach funding was not that high.

I backed Asylum by PayPal and will do so for Dexter Warden if it gets there, so: good luck!
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Registriert: 01.04.2012, 21:29
Wohnort: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Re: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

Beitrag von Agustin »

Lussa hat geschrieben:Can you tell how large the part was the PayPal-supporters raised for Asylum?
I hope you will make it, but I would have liked to see the documentary as a stretch goal so that the inital hurdle to reach funding was not that high.

I backed Asylum by PayPal and will do so for Dexter Warden if it gets there, so: good luck!
Thank you for the support! Asylum made roughly 10k through PayPal, which is a fantastic number of course, but not enough to fund a complete game. I wouldn't feel comfortable asking for PayPal donations in Dexter Ward unless we knew for sure that the game can be completed. We'll see -- like I said, we don't have any plans B or C at this stage. Sorry :(