Thanks for having us!
- grumpygamer
- Verifizierter Account
- Beiträge: 42
- Registriert: 10.12.2014, 00:16
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Thanks for having us!
Thanks for having us today. It was a lot of fun. Gary and I will check back in a few hours and every few days and answer questions as they pop up.
- Ron (and Gary)
- Ron (and Gary)
- Rocco
- Adventure-Treff
- Beiträge: 1019
- Registriert: 25.11.2003, 16:20
- Wohnort: Ronville
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thank you two very much for stopping by, was a lot of pleasure to talk with the guys which are responsible for my bad marks back in the 80s.
- K-Oz
- Logik-Lord
- Beiträge: 1156
- Registriert: 16.08.2002, 20:08
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thanks a lot and good luck for your game!
- Hobby-Archäologe
- Beiträge: 129
- Registriert: 30.05.2005, 15:27
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thank you very much for taking your time. Good luck with Thimbleweed Park and thanks again for having made such great (and inspiring) games in the past.
- Rayman
- Logik-Lord
- Beiträge: 1388
- Registriert: 07.01.2006, 20:08
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thanks for answering our questions. It was the best day in my life, because you and Gary were here.
And I agree with Darth Conan: Good Luck for Thimbleweed Park!
Good Bye!
And I agree with Darth Conan: Good Luck for Thimbleweed Park!
Good Bye!
Zuletzt geändert von Rayman am 10.12.2014, 21:41, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- FrasierCrane
- Hobby-Archäologe
- Beiträge: 185
- Registriert: 27.10.2007, 14:19
Re: Thanks for having us!
Bye Ron and Gary.
Bad Marks? Have they hit you on the head or something? I always knew they were bullies.Rocco hat geschrieben:Thank you two very much for stopping by, was a lot of pleasure to talk with the guys which are responsible for my bad marks back in the 80s.
- Kater Karlo
- Hobby-Archäologe
- Beiträge: 146
- Registriert: 05.10.2009, 11:32
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thanks for visiting here, and good luck with the kickstarter campaign! Looking forward to playing Thimbleweed!
- Frischling
- Beiträge: 7
- Registriert: 10.12.2014, 17:20
Re: Thanks for having us!
I'd like to join and use the opportunity to thank you guys for making Thimbleweed Park. And all those memories which come back to my mind when thinking about Maniac Mansion and company. Zak McKracken actually taught me how to read and write. Was much more entertaining than those stupid text books at school.
Thank you so much,
Thank you so much,
- Simon
- Adventure-Treff
- Beiträge: 5850
- Registriert: 19.05.2008, 17:26
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thank you for having been here, it was really amazing to see you answering our questions.
- k0SH
- Zombiepirat
- Beiträge: 10884
- Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03
Re: Thanks for having us!
Thanks a lot for your time!
Please import the humor we loved and enjoyed (still do) from back then into the new game!!
Please import the humor we loved and enjoyed (still do) from back then into the new game!!
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
- Sternchen
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- Registriert: 05.02.2004, 23:18
Re: Thanks for having us!
Its fun to have you around here, so visit us more often. i think all of us agree it is a pleasure to have you here.
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie gerne behalten.
Menschen und Dinge verlangen verschiedene Perspektiven. Es gibt manche, die man aus der Nähe sehen muß, um sie richtig zu beurteilen, und andere, die man nie richtiger beurteilt, als wenn man sie aus der Ferne sieht.
Zitat von François VI. Herzog de La Rochefoucauld
Menschen und Dinge verlangen verschiedene Perspektiven. Es gibt manche, die man aus der Nähe sehen muß, um sie richtig zu beurteilen, und andere, die man nie richtiger beurteilt, als wenn man sie aus der Ferne sieht.
Zitat von François VI. Herzog de La Rochefoucauld