Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Hier trefft ihr am 25. April 2016 die Macher des Comedy-Horror-Adventures Gibbous
Riesiger Roboteraffe
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von realchris »

@ Neon, mein Schriftenglisch ist nicht so gut. Deswegen hoffe ich, dass Du meine Sätze übersetzen kannst. Ich versuche mal beides.

@ Gibbous Team

1.) Hallo,

i like the beautifull art and the good animation. Is one of the best i`ve seen in comicstyle for years.

1.) are you planning the game for distribution via GOG?
Meine Top 5 von Spielen, Stand für August 2018: 1.) DOTT 2 Fangame • 2.) Thimbleweed Park • 3.) The Last Of Us • 4.) Resident Evil 7 • 5.) Little Nightmares
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Cami_StuckInAttic »

Esmeralda hat geschrieben:I understand that story and character are most important for you. But to solve a good puzzle with some head-scratching is sooo rewarding. If I breeze through a game without much thinking, I don't feel like playing, like archieving something. (I hope you understand what I mean... searching for some english word here) I am sure you will find some playtesters before release, so you can see if the level of difficulty is right for what you are planing.

By the way - I am one of the rare kind that likes sliding puzzles :mrgreen: but don't be afraid, I'm not asking for them

I haven't read anything Lovecraft has written (actually trying to catch up, inspired by your game), but I have heard about cthulhu and the necronomicon, will I understand everthing in the game, especially the jokes?
Hehe, yes, we get it. The sliding tiles were just an example of puzzles thrown in that are unrelated to the story, which we don't want to do. We will try to gradually raise the difficulty so that experienced players can feel satisfied, too. Yes, we really wanted to playtest, but we couldn't move past April with the Kickstarter, we will be doing a lot of playtesting before actual release.
As for Lovecraft - no previous knowledge of his works is needed! Liviu's writing the story so that you can come into the game world not even knowing who or what Cthulhu is. The references to his stories will be just bonus things that Lovecraft-heads will appreciate :)
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Domino hat geschrieben:Hey guys,

It's absolutely wonderful that you're making this game! It looks like it's going to be a great game, which is always pleasing to see in the classical adventure genre.

Anyway, I was wondering: how are you "casting" voice actors? Where do you find them? Are you looking for professional actors or are you looking for talented, but cheaper people? Did you consider hiring a known person (at least for a small role) to boost your visibility and have more fun that way? :)
Hey Domino, thanks for the kind words!

Well, for the demo, I first cast the main character, which I really shouldn't have done on my own, because trust me - some things are best left to a casting director. Well, not left, but collaborated on! So that's exactly what I did - I carefully checked out a ton of voice actors portfolios until I came across one that was both kick-ass from an acting standpoint, and was also a casting director. This is the guy who voices the taxi driver in the demo.

He then handled the casting of all actors but the main character, and while some things could have turned out better (lack of time + lack of budget... you know the story), I'm overall very satisfied with the result. He'll be handling voice actor casting for the game, too. Ever since we've started the Kickstarter, I think we got over 50 voice acting offers, and I am directing them all to the casting director. So yeah, we're willing to work with any talented people, if they click with the project.

Well, with one exception. I showed Gibbous to Starr Mazer creator Don Thacker, who's also an incredible voice actor and director, and he fell in love with the game instantly... so I obviously pitched him Don's role, and he's in! So Don will be playin Don. Makes sense, huh? We're so honored to have him on board! And there will be an official Gibbbous / Starr Mazer crossover, too. So hyped about that, Starr Mazer is one of the games I'm most looking forward to in 2017. Other than Gibbous, of course :)
Riesiger Roboteraffe
Riesiger Roboteraffe
Beiträge: 7616
Registriert: 29.08.2007, 19:13

Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von realchris »

2. The demo are full of many interresting people walking in the background. The setdesign of the backgrounds are full of living. I love that. Will you do this details for the complete game?

post scriptum i don`t like sliding tiles. :-)
Zuletzt geändert von realchris am 25.04.2016, 20:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Meine Top 5 von Spielen, Stand für August 2018: 1.) DOTT 2 Fangame • 2.) Thimbleweed Park • 3.) The Last Of Us • 4.) Resident Evil 7 • 5.) Little Nightmares
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

realchris hat geschrieben:2. In the demo are full of many interresting people walking in the background. The setdesign of the backgrounds are full of living. I love that. Will you do this details for the complete game?
Yes, and moooore! :D

We had to make the demo in between paid jobs, and those are not ideal working conditions. We wanted to add even more cool little details like extra environment animations, sounds, little interactions... But we ultimately had to focus on getting the demo done. Still, there's plenty of detail for a demo.

This is basically why we are Kickstarting - we want to be able to take a year or so from our lives and dedicate ourselves 100% to Gibbous. We're used to working fast and efficiently, so if we can do that, expect a lot more polish and quality than in the demo. We'd also love to overshoot our goal a little bit, to be able to hire some help with stuff like background art. We don't want to compromise on art quality, and a background like those in the demo can take up to 2 or 3 weeks to really polish.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

realchris hat geschrieben:@ Neon, mein Schriftenglisch ist nicht so gut. Deswegen hoffe ich, dass Du meine Sätze übersetzen kannst. Ich versuche mal beides.

@ Gibbous Team

1.) Hallo,

i like the beautifull art and the good animation. Is one of the best i`ve seen in comicstyle for years.

1.) are you planning the game for distribution via GOG?
Whoops, sorry, didn't see this post :) Thanks for the compliments! We worked hard on the art and animation, and we're so happy to see adventure game lovers appreciate it!

Yep, we are looking into GoG distribution. To tell you the truth, kickstarting is so crazy that I barely had the time to look over their requirements, but if they will have us, yes, we definitely want to be on GoG! I personally love their installers - no bullshit, just click install and away you go, and we've been getting this question a lot. Yup, we are going to be looking into that, and we're probably going to offer our backers the option of either Steam, GoG or some other DRM-free version.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Sven »

Hallo guys. You have a new backer. :D I´ll try the demo this week. :)

realchris hat geschrieben:i like the beautifull art and the good animation. Is one of the best i`ve seen in comicstyle for years.
Yes 2D is the best for adventure games. imho.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Esmeralda »

Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben: Well, for the demo, I first cast the main character, which I really shouldn't have done on my own, because trust me - some things are best left to a casting director.
Do you mean you are not satisfied with the voiceactor of the main character??? I thought he did a great job, as did all the other voice actors.
Are the voices final? Meaning are these the people who will do the voices in the game?
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Sven hat geschrieben:Hallo guys. You have a new backer. :D I´ll try the demo this week. :)

realchris hat geschrieben:i like the beautifull art and the good animation. Is one of the best i`ve seen in comicstyle for years.
Yes 2D is the best for adventure games. imho.
Woohoo! Thanks for backing, Sven!

Yeah, I agree - no hate for 3d games, but I personally prefer 2D for adventure games.
Esmeralda hat geschrieben:Do you mean you are not satisfied with the voiceactor of the main character??? I thought he did a great job, as did all the other voice actors.
Are the voices final? Meaning are these the people who will do the voices in the game?
Hehe, no - Marshall did a fine job. No, what I meant was I actually wanted him as Buzzbecause I LOVED his voice, it's so smooth and soothing, I could listen to it all day long. When you play an adventure game you are going to listen to the main character's voice a *LOT*, so you might as well have someone with a very listen-able voice. It's just that I really should have tested his acting chops before hiring him, too, and that's what a good casting director does. Thankfully it turned out right, but it's not the professional way to do it :) Not to mention it's really important to have someone who knows different actors and what their strengths are.

Nothing is really final in the voices department, but I can tell you that Piscilla, Taxi Guy and Voodoo Gentleman will 99% stay casted in their respective roles.
Zuletzt geändert von Liviu_StuckInAttic am 25.04.2016, 20:45, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Riesiger Roboteraffe
Riesiger Roboteraffe
Beiträge: 7616
Registriert: 29.08.2007, 19:13

Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von realchris »

shut up and take my money ;-)


Will the game take mostly place in the city. Neon tells something about the inspiration of the architecture. This is the place you live?

I love the color palette (violett, blue, warm yellow). Reminds me on Tiller but a little bit better. I like games with small streets and spooky old houses for Example Discworld 1+2 and A Vampyre Story. Will i have many chances to take a look in different spooky houses, shops etc?
Zuletzt geändert von realchris am 25.04.2016, 20:48, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Meine Top 5 von Spielen, Stand für August 2018: 1.) DOTT 2 Fangame • 2.) Thimbleweed Park • 3.) The Last Of Us • 4.) Resident Evil 7 • 5.) Little Nightmares
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Hey guys! It's Jean-Baptiste from Lancelot. I hope I'm not too late for the Gibbous party :D
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

realchris hat geschrieben:shut up and take my money ;-)


Will the game take mostly place in the city. Neon tells something about the inspiration of the architecture. This is the place you live?

I love the color platte (violett, blue, warm yellow). Reminds me on Tiller but a little bit better. I like games with small streets and spooky old houses for Example Discworld 1+2 and A Vampyre Story. Will i have many chances to see in different spooky houses, shops etc?
Well, that makes two of us - not only do I love Bill Tiller's art style, I'm crazy about those settings you mention - spooky houses, weird shops, cosy fire-lit inns, damp old castles, abandoned mansions, shadowy temples...

Artists usually go to reference material when they design a setting, for more believability, and we'll do exactly that - but we'll use our own Transylvania for inspiration. No joke, walk around our home town of Tirgu Mures on a foggy night and you might think you're in a horror movie. You'll get to experience that in Gibbous!

Heeey, Jean-Baptiste! No party is a party without Belgian (and German) beer!
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Wohnort: Mons, Belgium

Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben: Heeey, Jean-Baptiste! No party is a party without Belgian (and German) beer!
Be sure Liviu I had some before log in the forum ;) Very happy to see all the very Adventure-Treff community and all the Stuck In Attic team here! Cheers!!! :)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Registriert: 25.04.2016, 10:06
Wohnort: Transylvania, Romania

Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Cami_StuckInAttic »

Most of the settings are inspired by Transylvania, but they are Lovecraftian towns that we're not exactly defining geographically - they could be.. anywhere. But some of the characters will definitely travel to Transylvania. After all, we live here, so you can rely on us to provide the most authentic experience. Plus some extra spooky stuff on top ;)
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

declerfayt hat geschrieben:
Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben: Heeey, Jean-Baptiste! No party is a party without Belgian (and German) beer!
Be sure Liviu I had some before log in the forum ;) Very happy to see all the very Adventure-Treff community and all the Stuck In Attic team here! Cheers!!! :)
Yeah, good to be here! Actually, before starting the interview I was reading your interview, and apparently beer came up in that one, too. We should really share some beers, some time - maybe with the fine folks of this forum? I'd love that.