Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Hier trefft ihr am 25. April 2016 die Macher des Comedy-Horror-Adventures Gibbous
Ultimatives Flascherl
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Loma »

declerfayt hat geschrieben:Seriously, you can back Gibbous with your eyes closed - Gibbous is such a really great project! (well, actually, you technically have to open your eyes to click on the Kickstarter button, but you know what I mean ;) )
It looks very promising indeed.
But as there are some days left I'm going to wait a bit, just for the thrill (i.e. to strain the nerves of other people) - imo this fits better to a Lovecraftian theme. ;)
Ich denke, also spinn' ich.
Ich spinne, also mal' ich.
Ich male, also denk' ich.

"Never leave for the last minute what you can get away with not doing at all." (Pepe the King Prawn)
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Domino hat geschrieben:A couple more questions, semi-technical ones ;)

Since you're using Adventure Creator, are you happy with the decision? Or maybe it's sometimes a struggle to do something custom?

Also, what about the control scheme/UI? Have you explored various options (maybe had a particular example game in mind) or just went for the default Adventure Creator controls?
Adventure Creator is great! far. Well, the downside so far are the updates to it, which tend to screw some stuff up almost every time (make that EVERY time). But the creator's constantly trying to improve it, and that's great. I have to rely on our programmer Nick's experience with it and tell you he's really happy with it, and it makes his life a lot easier. On the other hand, we didn't really have the time to go into really heavy customization in the demo, so who knows what the future has in store for us? But overall, yeah, we're happy with it.

Aaaah, the dreaded UI scheme... It's probably the most non-final thing in the demo.

Basically, we started to implement what will be the final verb-coin with three options, but ran out of time and had to compromise a little on the UI. Soooo, in the final game, Kitteh will most likely be the third option in Buzz's wheel (I'm saying most likely because who knows what revelation the UI Gods might hit us with) - so it'll be Look At, Use, and Kitteh-fy :D

Don will also have a third special ability similar to Buzz's Kitteh-fy, but that's under wraps for now.

I really like the idea of being able to walk around with your inventory open (I know that sounded dirty). It really helps if you want to mess around and try objects on environment hostpots, so that's most likely staying in. We might map the inventory to middle-click and use right click for something else. To be honest, the UI was probably the part we had the least time to pay attention to, but we will seriously research it and, most importantly, listen closely to player feedback.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Loma hat geschrieben:
declerfayt hat geschrieben:Seriously, you can back Gibbous with your eyes closed - Gibbous is such a really great project! (well, actually, you technically have to open your eyes to click on the Kickstarter button, but you know what I mean ;) )
It looks very promising indeed.
But as there are some days left I'm going to wait a bit, just for the thrill (i.e. to strain the nerves of other people) - imo this fits better to a Lovecraftian theme. ;)
Haha, yeah, now I can tell you are a true Lovecraft-head: it's never about the actual sight of what scares us, it's about the anticipation of horror! Cheers :D
Zuletzt geändert von Liviu_StuckInAttic am 25.04.2016, 21:43, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Loma hat geschrieben:I'm going to wait a bit, just for the thrill (i.e. to strain the nerves of other people) - imo this fits better to a Lovecraftian theme. ;)
THAT is a great idea!!! On the very final day, I think I'm gonna raise my pledge, then wait a bit, then avoid it, then wait a bit, then raise it to the maximum, then avoid it again, and then go back to the original one - yes, that totaly fits to the Lovecraftian theme indeed :) :) :)

Liviu and Cami, you don't have heart problems, right? ;)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

declerfayt hat geschrieben:
Loma hat geschrieben:I'm going to wait a bit, just for the thrill (i.e. to strain the nerves of other people) - imo this fits better to a Lovecraftian theme. ;)
THAT is a great idea!!! On the very final day, I think I'm gonna raise my pledge, then wait a bit, then avoid it, then wait a bit, then raise it to the maximum, then avoid it again, and then go back to the original one - yes, that totaly fits to the Lovecraftian theme indeed :) :) :)

Liviu and Cami, you don't have heart problems, right? ;)
No, but we might develop a drinking problem!

...Well, a coffee-drinking problem, but still, a drinking problem :mrgreen:
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

No, but we might develop a drinking problem!
Really? I thought you must have already one before launching any project on Kickstarter!!! ;)

To be more serious: Why did you choose Adventure Creator in particular? Did you try other engines during pre-prod?
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

declerfayt hat geschrieben:
No, but we might develop a drinking problem!
Really? I thought you must have already one before launching any project on Kickstarter!!! ;)

To be more serious: Why did you choose Adventure Creator in particular? Did you tried other engines during pre-prod?
Well we had previous experience with Unity and we wanted to stick with it, from a lot of reasons (support, flexibility, a lot of cool plugins, customization, stability), and we looked and looked for whatever could help us speed up the lengthy process of making an adventure game. Adventure Creator comes with all the basic stuff, so you have the main building blocks which you can start sculpting into the prettier things you're envisioning.

And, since we're making a classically-inspired game and not trying to add any newfangled, never-before-seen mechanics, it works for us. It's very well suited for old-school games, and that is exactly what Gibbous will be, albeit HD and with some modern conveniences like autosave, hotspot highlighter, etc.
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben:And, since we're making a classically-inspired game and not trying to add any newfangled, never-before-seen mechanics, it works for us. It's very well suited for old-school games, and that is exactly what Gibbous will be, albeit HD and with some modern conveniences like autosave, hotspot highlighter, etc.
Yep, I totaly understand it! Btw, as you told it in the last update, it's a very wise motto not to try to work with never-before-seen mechanics for a first game.

I'm going back to work now, and once again I'm amazed by your such good work on Gibbous' campaign. Your game sounds like a hit!

PS: big up to Neon and all the AT team! Those forum evening events are a really cool idea - but sure I'll be there for the next ones :)

Good night to everyone, and see you soon on AT forum :)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Goodnight Jean-Baptiste, and thanks for supporting us from day 1! You and Neon are some of our biggest motivations to make Gibbous the best game it can be :)
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von declerfayt »

Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben:Goodnight Jean-Baptiste, and thanks for supporting us from day 1! You and Neon are some of our biggest motivations to make Gibbous the best game it can be :)
I'm just a huge point & click adventure fan - so I'm always glad to see new exciting projects like yours! :)

Surely Neon, Loma, the whole AT community, the AGRM team and so many others must be warmely thank for all they do for our community - it's such an amazing feeling to see all this passion. Really, it is just amazing! :)
Lancelot's Hangover (point and click) : A whole life to find the Holy Grail. One alcohol night to lose it.

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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Liviu_StuckInAttic »

Kickstarter is an incredible thing.

And not just for point and clicks. I remember playing Doom and Quake 1 as a teenager. I had edited my autoexec.bat so that my computer went straight into Quake1 when I turned it on.

Now my game is right next to Romero's new game on Kickstarter. It's surreal!


Well guys, thanks so much for all your questions!

Feel free to ask more, I will swing by here daily during the campaign and try and answer them all.

Goodnight, and thank you so much for your kind words and support!
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Sven »

realchris hat geschrieben:I quess it is my first time to take place in the AT-Liveinterview.
Dito. Ich lese sonst immer brav mit. O:)
declerfayt hat geschrieben:Oh! I see Sven is here on the forum. Sven, frankly, I'll be glad to meet up buddy if you come to Gamescom!
Hi! :) Of course I´ll be at the AT party. As every year. 8)
Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben:Woohoo! Thanks for backing, Sven!
Yeah, I agree - no hate for 3d games, but I personally prefer 2D for adventure games.

declerfayt hat geschrieben:I'll be at AT Beach Party in Cologne
Liviu_StuckInAttic hat geschrieben:Consider us present!
That´s 4 dev teams so far. \:D/ It´ll be the best AT party! :-D
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Domino »

By the way, is anyone planning to go to Adventure-X ( this year? The question goes to the Stuck in Attic team, as well as anyone else :)
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von neon »

As every year :-)

But first: gamescom.
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
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Re: Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

Beitrag von Cohen »

Finally got time to play the demo, loved it!

Will there be an option in the final game to turn off these optical intant gratifications every few minutes?

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