Hallo - neuer entwickler

Der Anlaufpunkt für alle, die selbst ein Adventure programmieren wollen.
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Registriert: 09.07.2017, 17:08
Wohnort: Italy

Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von ProGM »

I'm an adventure game developer from Italy. People talked good about this forum, so I'm willing to join and find great feedback about my first adventure game.
I always knew that German people likes Adventure Games, but I was too shy to show a not-localizated game. Time have passed and a localization seems far to come, so now I'm grabbing a bit of courage and trying this none the less.

Also, I apologies if I can't speak German. English is not my first language either, but it's the best I have for this circumstances.
I... don't trust Google Translator, so I'll handle this in english. :-#

Is anyone interested into check my game demo? Feedback and critiques are what I need most!

Thanks for reading! :wink:

PS: I've been searching the right forum to where post this topic for an hour, but seems I can't find a "Welcome" sub-forum or a Showcase forum. Sorry in advance if this happens to be the wrong one! :-?
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Registriert: 08.04.2007, 21:50

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von Uncoolman »


I looked on your webpage and found a nice game. Shit! I planned a glass style game like yours months ago ( with a princess in a fairy tale *lol*). Your design is really wonderful! Like it very much! It could be art by Mucha!

The problem about how to solve a labyrinth with a pc I tried to check out with a graph tree and search algorithm for another game, but it is too much mathematics. ;)

English is not my mother tongue neither, but I try my very best! More better than Italian! Very, very more!

Mathilda: "Ich bin schon längst erwachsen. Ich werde nur noch älter."
Léon: "Bei mir ist es umgekehrt. Ich bin alt genug, doch ich muss noch erwachsen werden."

Léon - der Profi

Filmrateliste auf https://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/to ... 73#p753573
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 09.07.2017, 17:08
Wohnort: Italy

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von ProGM »

Hi, thanks for your nice words!
I'm happy that you named Mucha! Art Nouveau was one of our inspirations!

Fun fact: After I developed Little Briar Rose, I've start to notice stained glass games around me. I wonder if it's just me, or if it's a sort of world-wide idea!
Weird, isn't it? :D

I did an article about how I developed the in game circle labyrinth. It's indeed a matter of Math, but I admit I took a different way...
I did it on real paper. :P
On our blog there were a couple of articles about how I managed to create both the style and minigames of the game.
In here I talk about how I betatested the labyrinth. See if it comes in handy:
https://www.elfgamesworks.com/2016/12/1 ... h-unity3d/

If you're still interested into create that stained glass game, I hope it can help you!

PS: If you want to try a free demo of the game, it's hosted on Gamejolt. https://gamejolt.com/games/little-briar-rose/253157
You should be able to reach the first labyrinth and try it yourself.
Let me know what do you think of it, or the game in general! ^ ^

PPS: Your english is just fine ;)
Beiträge: 11023
Registriert: 08.04.2007, 21:50

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von Uncoolman »

I can't play the demo, but maybe it's because I use Linux when I am online. Do I need a Java runtime or s.th. like this? Or a Flash player? Can I download the demo and install it offline on Windows?

Btw: my game has a 2D-setting, so there isn't a risk of stolen copy... :)
Mathilda: "Ich bin schon längst erwachsen. Ich werde nur noch älter."
Léon: "Bei mir ist es umgekehrt. Ich bin alt genug, doch ich muss noch erwachsen werden."

Léon - der Profi

Filmrateliste auf https://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/to ... 73#p753573
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 09.07.2017, 17:08
Wohnort: Italy

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von ProGM »

I'm sorry, the demo is optimized to run smoothly on browser and would not work well on pc. :(
If you want to look at it out of curiosity, you can find let's play videos on youtube. I can link you some.
Just... don't spoiler the whole game, that's bad! :P
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Registriert: 08.07.2004, 10:55
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von neon »

I've seen that one on gamescom at the italian booth in the business area and was really impressed to be honest. I can't remember who the guy was I was talking to, but I know we have the game in our database here at adventure-treff and we already reported about it.
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
Beiträge: 11023
Registriert: 08.04.2007, 21:50

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von Uncoolman »

ProGM hat geschrieben: 12.07.2017, 14:00 I'm sorry, the demo is optimized to run smoothly on browser and would not work well on pc. :(
If you want to look at it out of curiosity, you can find let's play videos on youtube. I can link you some.
Just... don't spoiler the whole game, that's bad! :P
Thank you!
In Linux I use the same Firefox 52 or 53 as in Windows, so I think there is some Addon missing.

Of course I won't spoil!

Sometimes I wanted to use Unity also, but the engine seems too difficult to me.
Mathilda: "Ich bin schon längst erwachsen. Ich werde nur noch älter."
Léon: "Bei mir ist es umgekehrt. Ich bin alt genug, doch ich muss noch erwachsen werden."

Léon - der Profi

Filmrateliste auf https://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/to ... 73#p753573
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 09.07.2017, 17:08
Wohnort: Italy

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von ProGM »

neon hat geschrieben: 12.07.2017, 15:23 I've seen that one on gamescom at the italian booth in the business area and was really impressed to be honest. I can't remember who the guy was I was talking to, but I know we have the game in our database here at adventure-treff and we already reported about it.
Wow! That is a nice surprise!
I searched the key words Little Briar Rose in the forum (just in case), but after I found nothing I decided to create this topic.
Is nice to know it have been noticed at the Gamescom, it's a big event! I wasn't at the event myself, but I'm planning to take the chance to join it next time with our next game. It's a chance to travel a bit. :P

Uncoolman hat geschrieben: 12.07.2017, 15:42 Thank you!
In Linux I use the same Firefox 52 or 53 as in Windows, so I think there is some Addon missing.
The web build use WebGl, so it could be a matter of video drivers, video card.
In case you're using GameJolt client, the game won't launch correctly. We reported the problem to GameJolt staff and we are waiting and answer. :)

I've found a Let's Play of the mobile version of the game. Aside from the fishing game, most of the game is similar.
I can't really tell why the video is recorderd in 4:3 ratio. o.o'
Beiträge: 30000
Registriert: 08.07.2004, 10:55
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von neon »

ProGM hat geschrieben: 13.07.2017, 13:22
neon hat geschrieben: 12.07.2017, 15:23 I've seen that one on gamescom at the italian booth in the business area and was really impressed to be honest. I can't remember who the guy was I was talking to, but I know we have the game in our database here at adventure-treff and we already reported about it.
Wow! That is a nice surprise!
I searched the key words Little Briar Rose in the forum (just in case), but after I found nothing I decided to create this topic.
Is nice to know it have been noticed at the Gamescom, it's a big event! I wasn't at the event myself, but I'm planning to take the chance to join it next time with our next game. It's a chance to travel a bit. :P
Yes, the forum search is a bit whacky, but if you go through the main website of Adventure-treff and look into the games section, you'll find the entry. The link beside the word 'community' in the entry leads to the forum entries.

https://www.adventure-treff.de/spiele-d ... briar-rose

And it was someone from Mangatar I've been talking to.
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
Beiträge: 3291
Registriert: 28.05.2014, 16:55

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von Minerva »


wanna welcome you here, too.

Your game is really nice and I'm interested in it. Is there a difference between the versions of GameJolt and Steam? You explained the difference between the one for PC and Android, but i wonder if the others are similar.

Thanks in advance for your answer!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will"
Mahatma Gandhi
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 09.07.2017, 17:08
Wohnort: Italy

Re: Hallo - neuer entwickler

Beitrag von ProGM »

Yes, there is. The GameJolt version is actually the most update, with a new fishing minigame.
We are working to get all the other version aligned soon, anyway. ^ ^

I forgot to say that yesterday I found out the article! Thank you again, guys! ^ ^