I'm an adventure game developer from Italy. People talked good about this forum, so I'm willing to join and find great feedback about my first adventure game.
I always knew that German people likes Adventure Games, but I was too shy to show a not-localizated game. Time have passed and a localization seems far to come, so now I'm grabbing a bit of courage and trying this none the less.
Also, I apologies if I can't speak German. English is not my first language either, but it's the best I have for this circumstances.
I... don't trust Google Translator, so I'll handle this in english.

Is anyone interested into check my game demo? Feedback and critiques are what I need most!
Thanks for reading!

PS: I've been searching the right forum to where post this topic for an hour, but seems I can't find a "Welcome" sub-forum or a Showcase forum. Sorry in advance if this happens to be the wrong one!