10-Tages-Countdown bis zum Rrelease.
Jeden Tag ein kleiner Bonus..
Jane Jensen: "
That's right, we are only 10 DAYS away from release! To celebrate, we are kicking off a countdown and will be releasing new screenshots, videos, and more everyday between now and the release of Gabriel Knight!"
http://www.postudios.com/company/games/ ... /index.php
Tag 1
New screenshots of Schloss Ritter! For the remake, the castle has been updated to match more closely to its look in GK2, as well as doing away with that snowy June landscape.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/POStudios_Game ... s_Day1.zip
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Bonus ->
New Gabriel Nightmare animation:
Tag 3
Bonus -> A Gabriel Knight short story,
The Temptation.
Written by Jane Jensen herself, this is the first addition to the Gabriel Knight lore since Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned.
Taking place six months after his last quest, Gabriel finds himself back in Germany and working in another case..
https://s3.amazonaws.com/POStudios_Game ... s_Day3.zip
Tag 4
Bonus -> Three songs from remake, all of which were remastered by series composer, Robert Holmes.
The songs were hand-picked by Robert himself as some of his favorites in the 20th Anniversary Edition.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/POStudios_Game ... s_Day4.zip
Tag 5
Bonus -> Screenshots; today we show off the African Hounfour, complete with zombies; the St. John’s Bayou and the St. Louis Cemetery #1. Observant Sins of the Fathers players might notice there’s a completely new screen to explore in the St. Louis cemetery as well.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/POStudios_Game ... s_Day5.zip
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Bonus -> In today’s daily countdown we share the iconic scene where Gabriel first meets Malia Gedde at the Lake Pontchartrain. The scene is often considered one of the most memorable in the series, setting the comic book style look of the original.
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Bonus 1-> Robert Holmes Plays The Gabriel Knight Theme.
It’s an honor to see this Sierra On-Line veteran discuss his takes on the main Gabriel Knight theme and play it live for everyone to hear.
Bonus 2->
You can download the new Gabriel Knight theme here
Tag 8
Bonus -> Reveal of the the three lucky winners of an original Gabriel Knight – Sins of the Fathers, signed by series creator, Jane Jensen, along with their poster taglines:

Tag 9
Bonus -> A video starring Sierra On-Line veteran, Jane Jensen:
Here, Jane discusses the differences between developing a game in the early 90s and today. We also see her playing the 20th Anniversary Edition, revealing the improvements and updates to the original as well as some of the reasons behind the additional content in the remake.
In the video we see Gabriel’s new diary, the hint system, new puzzles, some familiar locations now updated as well as new screens not found in the original.
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Bonus -> "Available now"-Trailer
-The End-