DA steckt wohl Wut und Schadenfreude dahinter, weil er gerne wen in seinem Team gehabt hätte, der jetzt für SpaceVenture unterwegs ist.Wie dumm muss man sein sowas zu posten.
Und ja, ein weiteres Beispiel für einen unsympatischen Paul
DA steckt wohl Wut und Schadenfreude dahinter, weil er gerne wen in seinem Team gehabt hätte, der jetzt für SpaceVenture unterwegs ist.Wie dumm muss man sein sowas zu posten.
Besser als Kino :DWow, talk about a bunch of trolls!!! I backed this project myself and came to check on it ONCE since February since things finally started slowing down. My company didn't back this project I DID, and I'm entitled to say whatever I want to say about it. If it's out of line or violates Kickstarter's Terms & Conditions, then it'll be removed. I do apologize for causing so much drama, but I don't apologize for what I said. I don't have faith in this project anymore and I think the demo was flat out awful. If any of you made any games I would have heard of (and can verify in the credits), then you are entitled to say something to rebut my argument. But the fact is, you haven't the slightest clue what it takes to make a real game and all you can do is bad mouth me because I expressed my own opinion and it's not like yours. Well guess what, it's a free world and I can say what I want about a project I backed, end of story.
And as for you Tom King, I have plenty of stories about you too and why Al won't answer your emails anymore or listen to "your side" of any story. Grow up, Tom. You call me unprofessional? That's a joke.
If I were venting my opinion as the CEO of Replay then that's one thing, but here I'm a consumer of a project I backed and have no faith in. So go troll on spacequest.net and gossip about me because honestly, I won't lose sleep over anything you guys have to say about me.
Good night.
I feel obligated to say this to you right now: you are nothing but a lily-livered, yellow bellied coward. because of your pride and ego, you have banned some damn good posters who have contributed lots of their money and hearts into your board and your attempt to make a game that turned out to be a bust.
Das war ne Unterhaltung zwischen Paul und einem Typ aus der Community, der das Boxart (für die deutsche Retail) und diverse andere Sachen für Replay erstellt hat - ohne Bezahlung, als FanEdnaslover hat geschrieben:Ich glaube Paul ist gar nicht geisteskrank. nein, nein, er will uns einfach herzlich unterhalten.
@axelkothe: Woher stammt das denn?