Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Die Macher von The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizza Boy stehen am 20. Oktober 2014 für eure Fragen zur Verfügung.
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von OscarGP_Dog »

k0SH hat geschrieben:
Actual footage of 12 days ago

I´m not a huge fan of the episodic concept (releasing a game in episodes like Telltale does with TWD and other games). But I understood that you´re doing something different. When you´re talking about episodes you mean that you already think of more stories that you would like to tell with following games, right?
But will there be something like a deep central theme that will develop over and within each episode? So, are you having a huge story in mind that will/ could lead into a big finale some day?

I know it´s not easy to give a statement about the length of a game but how many hours of gameplay are you targeting? 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, more than 10?
Yes. When we talk about episodes we talk about different stories, and not one story divided into different parts like TellTale's. We would love to work on different stories and to have an over-arching plot that wouldn't affect the individual parts (think of Doctor Who, for example, and how they handle each season's plot). But, to be honest, it is too soon to actually plan them. We're still struggling to make this first part take off! :P
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von neon »

k0SH hat geschrieben:Questions:
It´s said on your kickstarter page that "We are currently working with on amazing projects with companies like amazing adventure game German developer DAEDALIC".
And it seems like you´ve visiting them in Hamburg back in August:

Is that game already introduced to the public? If so, which one is it?
If not -> which one is it? ;-)
Is it an adventure game too?

There is a different thread about that already: http://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/vie ... 43&t=21704
"Ich habe mich so gefühlt, wie Sie sich fühlen würden, wenn sie auf einer Rakete sitzen, die aus zwei Millionen Einzelteilen besteht - die alle von Firmen stammen, die bei der Regierungsausschreibung das niedrigste Angebot abgegeben haben"

- John Glenn nach der ersten Erdumrundung 1962
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von SantiagoRVilla »

Rockford hat geschrieben:
Lucas Gondolo hat geschrieben:Actual footage of 12 days ago
OMG how many studio member where harmed in this incident?

Still adding new questions:

5. Funding

How did you survive before the kickstarter? Did you all the work unpaid in your freetime?
We invested a lot of free time and money on the prototype. There are resources that we lach to end the game as we want it, specially time. We´ve been working in a lot of games that helped the studio survive through this couple of years, but we want to resume the production once and for all. We´ve tried and waited long enough.
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von punto »

Hi. Thanks for the questions :)
Rockford hat geschrieben:1. Engine

Godot seems not be a pure adventuregameengine. Is it really suited for such a game? The example screenshots on the Godot page seem from games in other genres. Well and there is that:

Godot Features:

-It can make your dreams come true
-It can get you laid (because making games nowadays is hipster and cool).
-It can get you into NASA (If John Carmack makes rockets, you can too).

Its seems to be cool but it doesn't say anything about adventure games.
Godot is indeed a general purpose 2D/3D engine, but a lot of the standard tools are suited to make adventure games. Obviously the 2D scene editor was used to put together the scenes and objects, here's a screenshot of the living room:


The animation system was also used to control the states of most of the objects, since animations are very powerful and we can used them to control the entire scene.

We did have to add some tools adventure game creation, the most important one was a simplified scripting language that would enable the guys to write the dialogs and cutscenes without the need to depend on a programmer. It looks something like this:

Code: Alles auswählen

                say dog_sit_down "Hey Pizza Boy, it seems that I have developed some sort of psychic power." double
                say player "What do you mean?"
                say dog_sit_down "I was trying to turn the tv on, and on it happened." double
                say player "That was me."
                say dog_sit_down "Oh..."
                say dog_sit_down "Whatever you say."
This worked really well, and we were able to edit most of the interactions of the game without programmer-type bugs (BTW, when Tim Schafer visited our office last year, I showed him this code and he said "oh it looks just like SCUMM!", so I'm happy with it :-) Here's a gratuitous celebrity photo :p )


We plan to release those tools with some tutorials and templates after the campaign is over.
Lucas Gondolo
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von Lucas Gondolo »

Rockford hat geschrieben:
Lucas Gondolo hat geschrieben:Actual footage of 12 days ago
OMG how many studio member where harmed in this incident?

Still adding new questions:

5. Funding

How did you survive before the kickstarter? Did you all the work unpaid in your freetime?
To pay the bills, we co-produce this game with Square Enix, it´s called Ultimo Carnaval. https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... &hl=es_419

Nice to see you are supporting all three (win,mac,linux). Is the prototype avaible for all three, too? I am on linux this is the reason for my question. Can't wait for some secret link :twisted:
It should
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von k0SH »

There is a different thread about that already: http://www.adventure-treff.de/forum/vie ... 43&t=21704
Daedalic isn´t mentioned :(
So I guess it´s super secret right now..
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"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von punto »

Rockford hat geschrieben:

Nice to see you are supporting all three (win,mac,linux). Is the prototype avaible for all three, too? I am on linux this is the reason for my question. Can't wait for some secret link :twisted:
Yes! I'll add a linux binary to the prototype package :)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von Rockford »

Thank you for the detailed insight into the development tools! Very interessting. And great that you are adding a linux binary. Hope If it's binary I hope I don't get wrong elf format (64 bit here). Anyway I am convinced to raise my pledge to "Geliebtes Backers" :-)
k0SH hat geschrieben:Daedalic isn´t mentioned
To support kOSH's question and even adding a new one:

Wouldn't be Daedalic the perfect publisher for your game in germany? It would fit their game catalogue very well.
Ray: Yeah, I got a Plan B: making Plan A work! (Stingray - 1985 TV Series)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von k0SH »

Can you give us a few more details puzzle-wise about the gameplay of the game? Are the puzzles inventory- or text/ dialogue-based, or both? Will there be mini-games? Is the focus on the story so the puzzles are more casual or is it hardcore point and click puzzles?
Mitglied im "Verein zur kulturellen Förderung von Adventure- und storylastigen Computer- und Videospielen e.V." Und Du?
"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von OscarGP_Dog »

k0SH hat geschrieben:Questions:
Can you give us a few more details puzzle-wise about the gameplay of the game? Are the puzzles inventory- or text/ dialogue-based, or both? Will there be mini-games? Is the focus on the story so the puzzles are more casual or is it hardcore point and click puzzles?
There will be inventory-based puzzles, yes, and also dialogue-based puzzles. Actually, if you play close attention to the trailer, you will notice a sort of mechanic related to some dialogue-based puzzles. The hardcore-ness of the puzzles will vary, but we'll try to keep them more in the casual side. We went a little bit too far with how hardcore the puzzles in the prototype were and learned that many people feel put off when the puzzles are too hardcore :P
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Registriert: 09.09.2006, 12:03

Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von k0SH »

Thanks from my side!
And good luck with the kickstarter and the finishing of the game!
Looking forward to play it!!
Mitglied im "Verein zur kulturellen Förderung von Adventure- und storylastigen Computer- und Videospielen e.V." Und Du?
"But these days it seems like adventure games are almost a bit of a lost art form...exist in our dreams, in our memories and in ... Germany." Tim Schafer
Deutsche Adventure Games Gruppe (Facebook)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von OscarGP_Dog »

k0SH hat geschrieben:Thanks from my side!
And good luck with the kickstarter and the finishing of the game!
Looking forward to play it!!

Thanks to you, K0sh! It's been really fun answering your questions! :)
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von martinasantoro »

Thank you guys! Remember you can always reach us here or at our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/okamstudio or via Twitter at @OKAMSTUDIO
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Re: Vorstellung OKAM Studio / Introduction OKAM Studio

Beitrag von martinasantoro »

[quote="Rockford"]1. Engine

2. Voice/Speech

Dubbing is unfortunatly a far away high strechgoal. Will there be any other kind of voice if this goal will not be reached? For example a narrator would be great if no character dubbing is possible. (I like the one in the Kickstarter Pitchvideo)

We like the voice over on the pitch video too! It`s the amazing Mr. Bob Bavnani (https://www.voices.com/people/bobbhavnani). Hopefuly if we get the game funded we can look for an investor that can help us finish the game with voice over! Working with Bob was great and we hope we can do it again. He IS Dog Mendonça!