Name | Ort |
Quantum Soup Studios | North Wales, Großbritannien |
Quarantine Interactive | Argentinien |
Quill O' the Wisp | |
qureate | |
Radio Silence Studios | Deutschland |
Radon Labs | Deutschland |
Rafael García | |
Rafał Pietrasik | Polen |
Raiders of the Seven Cities of Gold | |
Rainbow Arts | |
RainDance LX | Portugal |
Random Seed Games | |
Rapaki | |
Raphael Vogt | Deutschland |
Ratking | Deutschland |
Ratracer Games | |
Rauser Advertainment | Deutschland |
Raven Rock Games | |
Ravensburger Interactive | Deutschland |
Ravenscourt | Deuschland |
Raw Fury Games | Schweden |
Razbor Studios | Kroatien |
ReadySoft Incorporated | |
Real World Software | |
Reality Twist | Deutschland |
IBAN: DE38 8306 5408 0004 7212 25