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  • AdventureX: Interview mit den Machern von Crowns and Pawns

AdventureX: Interview mit den Machern von Crowns and Pawns

AdventureX: Interview mit den Machern von Crowns and Pawns

Auf der diesjährigen AdventureX in London hatten wir abseits der Stände Gelegenheit, uns mit den litauischen Entwicklern von Tag of Joy zusammenzusetzen. Diese arbeiten derzeit am klassischen Point-and-Click-Adventure Crowns and Pawns, welches durch Fördermittel aus dem EU-Topf finanziert wird.

In unserem Video erklären die Entwickler, worum es in dem Spiel geht. Erscheinen soll der Titel 2019, deutsche Texte sind geplant.


Crowns and Pawns creator here :) Thanks for the interview and thanks a lot for the positive feedback in the comments! We're doing our best to make an interesting and beautiful game. We'll see if we can fit an good detective story into 4-5 hours, but so far it looks like it's enough – even with all the twists and stuff ;)
  • 07.01.19    
  • 11:56   

Crowns and Pawns creator here :) Thanks for the interview and thanks a lot for the positive feedback in the comments! We're doing our best to make an interesting and beautiful game. We'll see if we can fit an good detective story into 4-5 hours, but so far it looks like it's enough – even with all the twists and stuff ;)

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Great interview. The graphics looks really nice although I think the good detective game needs more than four or five hours of gameplay.
  • 16.12.18    
  • 23:32   

Great interview. The graphics looks really nice although I think the good detective game needs more than four or five hours of gameplay.

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Vielversprechend. Auf die watch list. Danke fürs Interview.
  • 11.12.18    
  • 21:44   

Vielversprechend. Auf die watch list. Danke fürs Interview.

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