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  • Simon 3D noch im April!

Simon 3D noch im April!

Simon 3D noch im April!
Lange Zeit hielt auch ich es für unmöglich, aber es ist soweit: Simon 3D wird noch im April unsere PCs verzaubern. Hier die offizielle Mitteilung von Adventuresoft/Headfirst Productions:

"Hello Simon 3D fans, News Mole here.
I've come out of retirement especially to give you the news you've all been waiting for - Simon The Sorcerer 3D will finally be released on April 19th.
After many months of false starts and postponements, we have struck a deal with Crucial Entertainment and Vivendi which will see Simon 3D hitting the shelves in less than a fortnight.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being so patient over the years and putting up with all the misinformation and let downs, but it really was out of our hands and for legal reasons we were often not able to explain the current situation to our loyal fans.
However, all that is over now - the disks have been duplicated and the boxes have been printed. Hopefully you'll all be clammering to get hold of a copy and you will shortly be able to do so via our very own Adventure Soft online store, which is the best way to keep small independant publishers such as ourselves in business.
Our online store is currently being upgraded to cope with the demand and within the next few days I will be emailing you again with a link that will enable you to pre-order a copy of Simon 3D direct from us. So stay tuned!
Thanks again for all your support and patience, another message coming soon!
News Mole outta here"

In wie weit sich das auf die deutsche Version auswirkt ist jedoch noch nicht klar, es könnte gut möglich sein daß eine dt. Version noch 1-2 Monate länger braucht. Sobald darüber etwas in Erfahrung zu bringen ist erfahrt Ihr es natürlich sofort!


